IBM: Hybrid Cloud Computing Dominates the Enterprise

IBM: Hybrid Cloud Computing Dominates the Enterprise

IBM has released a new study titled “Tailoring hybrid cloud: Designing the right mix for innovation, efficiency and growth.” Based on survey results, it found that while companies are moving some workloads to the cloud, 45 percent of workloads will remain in on-premises data centers. In addition, 78 percent of respondents said their cloud computing initiatives are coordinated or fully integrated, an increase from 34 percent who said the same in 2012.

Top reasons for moving to the cloud include lowering total cost of ownership (54 percent), facilitating innovation (42 percent), enhancing operational efficiencies (42 percent) and more readily meeting customer expectations (40 percent). Top challenges include perceived security or compliance risks and requirements (47 percent), cost structure (41 percent) and increased risk of operational disruption (38 percent).

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