Is ‘Bring Your Own Cloud’ the Next Big Trend?

Is ‘Bring Your Own Cloud’ the Next Big Trend?

By now, most enterprise IT types are pretty familiar with the BYOD trend, but there’s a new BYO phenomenon on the horizon — BYOC, short for “bring your own cloud.” It refers to enterprise users who either have their own “personal clouds” or who are authorized to use third-party cloud computing services.

Whether they realize or not, many enterprise developers are already part of the BYOC trend; they’re using public cloud services not used by the rest of their organizations in order to do some dev and test work. But the trend may be spreading beyond development teams. And some vendors are selling hardware designed to act as a “personal cloud” that allows end users to access data from any device. The challenge will be for corporate IT departments to find a way to manage this growing demand for BYOC.

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