JavaScript Named Language of the Year

JavaScript Named Language of the Year

Tiobe has named JavaScript as the language of the year for 2014 because it was the biggest mover on their index, jumping from a 1.569 percent rating a year ago to a 3.274 percent rating now. “Swift and R appeared to be the main candidates for the title, but due to a deep fall of Objective-C this month, a lot of other languages took advantage of this and surpassed these two candidates at the last moment,” Tiobe said. Other big movers included PL/SQL and Perl.

The top of the chart looks like this for January:

  1. C (16.703 percent)
  2. Java (15.528 percent)
  3. Objective-C (6.953 percent)
  4. C++ (6.705 percent)
  5. C# (5.045 percent)
  6. PHP (3.784 percent)
  7. JavaScript (3.274)
  8. Python (2.613 percent)
  9. Perl (2.256 percent)
  10. PL/SQL (2.014 percent)

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