Microsoft Partners with Facebook, Hortonworks for Hackathons

Microsoft Partners with Facebook, Hortonworks for Hackathons

Microsoft has announced two upcoming developer events. First, it will co-host a social-focused hackathon with Facebook January 17-18. “A number of our engineers along with Facebook’s engineers will be there working with developers to show how easily you can deeply integrate across both the Windows and Windows Phone apps,” said Microsoft’s Steve Guggenheimer. “We’ll be offering 1:1 assistance along with some great speakers that will help jumpstart any app efforts you have.”

Second, Microsoft, Hortonworks and Elastacloud will host a big data-focused hackathon February 8-9. According to the event literature, “The Microsoft big data hackathon is your opportunity to hack for a good cause.” It adds, “There will be prizes, free goodies, food and drinks, and loads of snacks. This is your opportunity to have a fun data science weekend while learning about Microsoft’s big data technologies and doing good for your fellow man.”

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