Node.js Foundation to Manage Express Web Server

Node.js Foundation to Manage Express Web Server

The Node.js Foundation has announced that it will take over management of the open source Express Web server framework. In the past, StrongLoop, which was acquired by IBM, had managed Express.

The move makes sense because Express is based on Node.js. “With 53+ million downloads in the last two years, Express has become one of the key toolkits for building Web applications and its stability is essential for many Node.js users, especially those that are just getting started with the platform,” the Foundation said.

Foundation executive Mikeal Rogers added, “This framework is critical to a significant portion of many Node.js users. Bringing this project into the Node.js Foundation, under open governance, will allow it to continue to be a dependable choice for many enterprises and users, while ensuring that we retain a healthy ecosystem of competing approaches to solving problems that Express addresses.”

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