Red Hat Adds Middleware to xPaaS

Red Hat Adds Middleware to xPaaS

In an effort to distinguish itself from competitors like Cloud Foundry, Pivotal and IBM, RedHat has announced that it is adding new features to its cloud development platform called xPaaS. More specifically, the company is adding middleware to the platform’s capabilities. “Our view is of an extended PaaS where ?X? means all these services required to build modern applications,” said Pierre Fricke, director of product marketing for JBoss at Red Hat. The company says that these middleware features will speed development and give enterprises greater control over application infrastructure.

For now, xPaaS is getting an integration tool called JBoss Fuse for xPaaS and a messaging tool called JBoss A-MQ for xPaaS. The company also has previews available for data virtualization, mobile, application containers, business process management, and business rules management tools for platform.

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