Red Hat Buys eNovance

Red Hat Buys eNovance

Enterprise Linux provider Red Hat has announced the acquisition of eNovance in a deal worth $95 million. Both firms are among the ten biggest contributors to Open Stack open source cloud computing software, and eNovance’s Open Stack expertise was a big reason for the purchase.

“They will provide a center of excellence capability on continuous integration/continuous delivery methodology in customer OpenStack environments,” Arun Oberoi, executive vice president of global sales and services at Red Hat, said. “They will help us extend a DevOps capability across a spectrum of dev, test and production clouds.”

Oberoi added, “From a services perspective, eNovance will become Red Hat’s center of excellence for OpenStack cloud services. For products and technologies, the teams will work together to evolve to a single product set over time, leveraging the technologies and expertise from both teams.”

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