Red Hat Buys FeedHenry

Red Hat Buys FeedHenry

RedHat has announced that it will spend ?63.5 million ($82 million) to acquire FeedHenry, a mobile development platform vendor based in Ireland. “The mobile application platform is one of the fastest growing segments of the enterprise software market,” said Craig Muzilla, senior vice president, Application Platform Business, Red Hat. “As mobile devices have penetrated into every aspect of enterprise computing, enterprise software customers are looking for easier and more efficient ways for their developers to build mobile applications that extend and enhance traditional enterprise applications. FeedHenry will help us enable customers to take advantage of the capabilities of mobile with the security, scalability, and reliability of Red Hat enterprise software.”

FeedHenry launched in 2010 and raised $9 million in a single round of financing. Like Red Hat, it is heavily involved in open source software development. Its mobile development platform is based on Node.js and supports Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and mobile web apps.

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