Report: 20% of Enterprises Have Cancelled IT Projects Due to Staff Shortages

Report: 20% of Enterprises Have Cancelled IT Projects Due to Staff Shortages

According to CompTIA’s Industry Outlook 2015, one out of every five U.S. companies have cancelled or postponed projects because they didn’t have enough IT staff, often developers, security specialists or project managers. “There is more demand for technology and technology is more accessible than ever. That makes the need for tech workers ? educated, trained and certified ? in demand, too,” said Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO of CompTIA. “We found that 43 percent of companies are currently understaffed. There are a lot of companies out there that feel that if they could add new workers they could expand, or backfill positions that have been open.”

The report also noted that the top five states for IT employment are California, Texas, New York, Illinois and Virginia.

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