Report: Businesses Adopting SaaS in Order to Become More Agile

Report: Businesses Adopting SaaS in Order to Become More Agile

A new ZDNet Cloud Priorities report finds that among the enterprises surveyed, the most common reason for adopting SaaS was to build a more agile business model, cited by 45 percent of respondents. Other popular reasons for moving to software delivered via cloud computing included avoiding the need for ongoing upgrades, maintenance and patching (37 percent); reducing capital expenditures on hardware and/or software (30 percent); taking advantage of the security infrastructure of the cloud provider (28 percent) and enabling rapid scalability (28 percent).

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the least common reasons for adopting SaaS included easing the workload on in-house IT staff through self-service provisioning (9 percent) and facilitating cost consumption calculations that support charge-back or show-back to user departments (3 percent).

The research for this report was conducted in Australia and New Zealand. ZDNet is also conducting similar research in Europe, Asia and the U.S.

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