Report: Demand for Data Scientists Is Tapering Off

Report: Demand for Data Scientists Is Tapering Off

For some time, data science has been one of the hottest areas of enterprise IT hiring, but a new report from Burtch Works LLC says demand for big data developers is tapering off. “With all of the attention that data science has received, students have been flooding into the field,” said the report. It added, “This year’s data suggests that data science salaries appear to be leveling off: every job category except one (level 1 individual contributors) experienced a marginal single-digit shift in median base salary over the past year.”

Despite the weakening demand, big data positions still offer very high salaries. Individual contributors in the survey reported median earnings between $97,000 and $152,000, while managers had median salaries between $140,000 and $240,000. Average bonuses were also significant.

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