Report: Nearly Half of Companies Don’t Know How Their Cloud Vendors Secure Data

Report: Nearly Half of Companies Don’t Know How Their Cloud Vendors Secure Data

Although more businesses are using public cloud computing services, security concerns remain high. A Ponemon Institute report sponsored by security vendor Thales found that 49 percent of companies surveyed said they did not know what security measures their cloud computing provider used. In addition, a third said they believed they were less secure because of their use of cloud computing. Only 35 percent said they had conducted due diligence to learn about their cloud vendor’s security practices.

“Many companies thought the cloud provider was responsible for security, yet they know very little about what the cloud provider is doing to secure their data,” said Richard Moulds, vice president of strategy for Thales e-Security. “If you choose to use the cloud, you need to know how your data is being secured.”

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