Research: AWS Still Dominates Cloud Computing Market

Research: AWS Still Dominates Cloud Computing Market

A new report from Synergy Research Group finds that the “Big Four”?Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, IBM and Google?dominate the cloud computing market. Number one AWS has nearly three times as much market share as number two Microsoft. Together the big four account for more than 50 percent of the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) market, and they grew their revenue by 68 percent in the second quarter. By comparison, the next 20 largest cloud providers grew their revenue by 41 percent, and overall the cloud computing market expanded by 51 percent during the quarter.

“In a variety of ways Amazon and the other big three players have distanced themselves from the competition in this market and continue to widen the gap,” Synergy Chief Analyst and Research Director John Dinsdale said. “What marks them out as different is their global presence, marketing muscle, ability to fund huge investments in hyperscale data centers and, in most cases, a determination to succeed in the market.”

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