Studies Highlight Need for App Testing

Studies Highlight Need for App Testing

A pair of new studies are calling attention to the need for better testing of mobile apps. Testing vendor Keynote released a report which found that testing is still not a standard practice, with 7.5 percent of companies surveyed saying they do no testing at all.

However, app quality is a very big issue for users. Only 16 percent of users polled by Keynote said they would give a second chance to an app that wasn’t functioning properly.

A second study by Appurify finds that 90 percent of developers see a direct connection between app testing and the ratings and reviews they receive. “The Facebooks, Googles, Yahoos of the world–these are large, tech-savvy development teams who get the need for testing and put time and resources against it. That’s the gold standard,” said Appurify co-founder and CEO Jay Srinivasan. “There’s a second group of enterprise companies and you would find that the quality of their apps are lower than your typical Silicon Valley startup. They tend to struggle with getting the right mobile developer teams from a quality perspective.”

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