Survey: 40% Use Smartphones Mostly for Business

Survey: 40% Use Smartphones Mostly for Business

A new survey by Apigee details the ways mobile devices and apps are changing people’s lives. The report, titled “2013 Digital Impact Survey,” is chock full of interesting statistics, including the following:

  • 40 percent of smartphone owners use their devices at least as much for business as for leisure.
  • 44 percent said mobile devices and apps have already changed the way they do their jobs; 51 percent expect more changes within two years.
  • 70 percent expect their bank to offer a mobile app.
  • 24 percent of 18-24-year-olds say they wouldn’t be able to wake up without a smartphone or tablet.
  • 6 percent said they could not be happy without their smartphones.

“It is no surprise that mobile is changing everyday behaviors from work to play, but this research really shows how much we rely on our smartphones to connect with friends, manage our money, and even wake up on time. It clearly demonstrates that smartphones have become an integral part of consumers’ day-to-day lives,” said Apigee’s Bryan Kirschner. “As more shifts in everyday behavior occur, it will be key for every organization, from government to brick-and-mortar stores to banks to understand how they can best connect with their key audiences in the app economy.”

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