Survey: 55% of Users Run SaaS Applications on Corporate Devices

Survey: 55% of Users Run SaaS Applications on Corporate Devices

A new survey conducted by vendor Softchoice finds that 55 percent of 7,199 p surveyed say they run software as a service (SaaS) applications on a corporate device. Among organizations using cloud-based apps, the most popular was Google Calendar, used by 83 percent of companies, followed by Google Docs (80 percent), Microsoft SkyDrive (79 percent) and Google Drive (75 percent).

The report found that employees use many cloud-based apps without IT knowledge or permission. “Most organizations have little insight into the SaaS applications employees are using at any given time. This lack of understanding often results in diluted or misguided policies surrounding SaaS applications, including blanket bans, which are ineffective and contentious to employees,” said the report. “Instead, organizations must have a clear and complete picture of not only the applications employees are using, but also how and why they are using them.”

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