Survey Highlights Challenges in Enterprise Mobile Development

Survey Highlights Challenges in Enterprise Mobile Development

Management consultancy Accenture has released a new report titled “Growing the Digital Business: Spotlight on Mobile Apps,” which details some of the challenges facing enterprise mobile development. According to the study, a large majority of those surveyed “recognize the value of mobile apps for their business (87 percent), but very few are well prepared to successfully deploy and maintain those apps.”

Key findings from the report include the following:

  • 82 percent of respondents said apps are integral to their organization.
  • 85 percent of respondents believe that apps will be the dominant user interface of the future.
  • 49 percent of respondents said security of data was the biggest challenge facing mobile development.
  • Only 52 percent of respondents have a testing program that includes gathering feedback from users.
  • Only 48 percent of respondents utilize usage reporting or analytics.

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