DevX Special Report: Going Mobile: Getting Your Apps On the Road

DevX Special Report: Going Mobile: Getting Your Apps On the Road

With more and more of the workforce relying on their mobile devices to get their jobs done, the time has come for developers to mobilize their enterprise applications. However, the fragmented mobile development landscape forces developers to make a number of crucial choices: Which devices? Which platforms? Which SDKs? This DevX Special Report helps you answer these questions by providing a beginner’s guide to getting your apps mobile.

A fifth of the world’s population will soon have a mobile device and access to the Internet. With that many potential users, is an explosion of mobile applications inevitable? If so, what technologies will lead the way in their development?

Read this beginner’s guide to extending an enterprise application to mobile devices with the Java ME technologies.

One benefit of choosing Microsoft technologies for your mobile apps is an integrated, streamlined development process. Find out how easy it is with this tutorial on the basics of developing Windows Mobile apps with the the .NET Compact Framework.

Enterprises take note: as handheld devices become both more capable and more user-friendly, they’re also becoming “must-have” equipment for people who work away from the office, replacing their heavy laptops with smaller and lighter but still fully-functional equipment.

Learn to leverage Android’s powerful APIs to rapidly create sophisticated applications for media, data storage, and networking.

By looking at the past trajectory of mobile devices in the marketplace, we can better understand where mobile computing is headed.

With the fragmented mobile development landscape forcing developers to make a number of crucial choices, get a high-level comparison of the different platforms and recommendations for what purposes they fit.

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