Book Excerpt: Advanced AJAX: Architecture and Best Practices

Book Excerpt: Advanced AJAX: Architecture and Best Practices

he book Advanced Ajax: Architecture and Best Practices is the definitive guide to building business-critical, production-quality web applications with AJAX. It systematically addresses the design, architecture, and development issues associated with AJAX, offering proven patterns and robust code examples. You’ll find best practices for addressing the full spectrum of issues that enterprise AJAX developers face: scalability, performance, security, reliability, flexibility, maintainability, and reusability.

Writing for experienced web developers, the author delivers fresh ideas and elegant solutions through meaty technical content that is presented with exceptional clarity. Many topics are covered in unprecedented depth including cleanly implementing JavaScript custom events to reduce coupling and to enhance flexibility, overcoming AJAX’s traditional accessibility limitations, reducing network latency through compression and other techniques, and much more. Coverage also includes planning AJAX interfaces for simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness; creating scalable, maintainable architectures for client-side JavaScript; using tools to profile, validate, and debug client-side code; architecting the server side for security and functionality, while restricting loaded data, objects, and actions to current requests; protecting against widespread and significant AJAX security risks; optimizing every component of an AJAX application, from server-side scripts to database interactions; and introducing cutting-edge AJAX in game development, AJAX with canvas, and AJAX for enterprise applications.

The “Scalable, Maintainable AJAX” sample chapter takes a look at the impact that an implemented architecture has on scalability and what the development team needs to consider to drive scalability, which will keep the application solid. The chapter also discusses how similar techniques can be employed to achieve maintainability, enabling both scalability and maintainability considerations to begin during the design phase. General coding practices are provided to prevent smaller pieces of the application from becoming sluggish when under more demanding circumstances. Primary topics in this area include processor and memory usage; working with multiple interfaces through modularity and late loading; and achieving scalability and maintainability when working with denser rich interfaces.

Download this sample chapter in PDF format (898 KB).

Reproduced from Advanced AJAX: Architecture and Best Practices by permission of Prentice Hall PTR. ISBN-13: 9780131350649/ISBN-10: 0131350641, copyright 2008 Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved.


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