Denim Group’s CSRF e-Learning Module Offered for Free

Denim Group’s CSRF e-Learning Module Offered for Free

Denim Group’s CSRF e-Learning Module Offered for Free

As security threats continue to grow more and more complex, the demand for developers who are equipped to address vulnerabilities increases. Recently, the Denim Group announced that it will offer a free e-Learning module to help developers learn about Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities.


These complex software design and coding flaws, as reported in Free CSRF e-Learning Module Offered by Denim Group,  are increasingly at risk even while other vulnerabilities are decreasing. Furthermore, challenges exist for security managers in that explaining these points of weakness in the code can be difficult to explain to developers.

Find out more about CSRFs and the training program by reading the full article at

Free CSRF e-Learning Module Offered by Denim Group


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