Infinite Loop Using Java

Infinite Loop Using Java

Certain aspects of your code may want to perform certain activities in a loop and wait infinitely for a command. However, the “while(true)” command is an easier way to achieve the same result.

public class InfiniteLoop{   public static void main(String args[])   {      InfiniteLoop infiniteLoop = new InfiniteLoop();      infiniteLoop.proceed();   }      private void proceed()   {      System.out.println("Start of infinite loop");      boolean condition = true;      while (condition)      {         System.out.println("In loop");         //You can perfrom the actual work such as accepting unlimited requests and          //process them in a newly spawned thread or from a ThreadPool         try{            //Introducing a small delay for you to make it visible            Thread.sleep(100);         }catch(InterruptedException ie)         {            System.out.println("InterruptedException: "+ ie);         }      }      //The below line cannot be reached since the above loop is infinite.       //However, there are other mechanisms to make it work if you can enhance your code to handle interruption      System.out.println("End of infinite loop");   }}

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