How to Make a Program Sleep for a Pre-determined Period

How to Make a Program Sleep for a Pre-determined Period

At times, you may want to make your application sleep for a determined period pending some other action. This is very easily achieved in Java with threads.

Code sample:

import java.util.*;public class SleepForSomePeriod {   public static void main(String args[])    {      SleepForSomePeriod sleepForSomePeriod = new SleepForSomePeriod();     sleepForSomePeriod.proceed();   }           private void proceed()   {      try       {          System.out.println(new Date());          Thread.sleep(3000); //3 seconds          System.out.println(new Date());       }catch (Exception e)       {         System.out.println("Exception: " + e);       }   }}/*Expected output:[root@mypc]# java ProbablePrime 79Thu Dec 28 13:23:01 IST 2017Thu Dec 28 13:23:04 IST 2017*/

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