Variable Argument Method

Variable Argument Method

The following class describes a method that can accept a variable argument instead of a fixed argument list. This can be handy where the developer is not sure of the number of arguments that can come in for processing.

public class VariableArgs {   public static void main(String args[]) {       System.out.println("Sum of 2 args - 5 & 10: " + sumVarArgs(5,10));       System.out.println("Sum of 3 args - 5, 10 & 20: " + sumVarArgs(5,10,20));   }       /* Method to accept variable arguments of type int. */   private static int sumVarArgs(int... intArgs)   {       int sum = 0;      //Reading all arguments and summing them       for (int value: intArgs)       {           sum = sum + value;       }      //Returning the summation of all the arguments.        return sum;   }}

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