Trimming Decimal Places Using TRUNCATE

Trimming Decimal Places Using TRUNCATE

Use cases where we need to have the result with varying decimal places are possible.

You can change the value in the resulting field using the TRUNCATE function.

Consider the following:

Case 1: 2 decimal places

SELECT TRUNCATE(122.16464,2) AS VALUE;where 122.16464 is the value and the 2 is the number of desired decimal places. +--------+| VALUE  |+--------+| 122.16 |+--------+

Case 2: 1 decimal place

SELECT TRUNCATE(122.16464,1) AS VALUE;where 122.16464 is the value and the 1 is the number of desired decimal places. +--------+| VALUE  |+--------+| 122.1  |+--------+

Case 3: 0 decimal place

SELECT TRUNCATE(122.16464,0) AS VALUE;where 122.16464 is the value and the 0 is the number of desired decimal places. +--------+| VALUE  |+--------+|    122 |+--------+ 

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