Why Do Companies Choose Residential Proxies?

Why Do Companies Choose Residential Proxies?


Using proxy servers as a business often goes without saying these days. However, not all of us are clued up on the how and why of proxies. Let’s break down the benefits of static residential proxies for businesses and why it is essential to use them.

What is a proxy?

A proxy server operates as a go-between for an end user, device, and the internet. A proxy server functions similarly to a traffic controller. Depending on its location in your network, the proxy server will analyze and redirect internet traffic to and from the user and the desired website.

Proxy servers have grown and provide features and services beyond simple web trafficking. Many proxy servers deployed today will serve as a primary line of defense for internet users and online businesses, addressing essential use cases and regulatory issues such as network security and privacy rules and assisting in monitoring internet traffic and usage.

What is the difference between dynamic and static residential proxies?

There are various types of proxy servers on the market nowadays. While the names and functioning are similar, they frequently need clarification. Let’s break down the most used types:

Residential IP addresses get assigned to households by their Internet service providers. With a residential proxy, you can connect to such an IP and utilize it as a proxy link to mask your location. Any web session can quickly be issued a new IP address, ensuring your data scraping activities are never suspected.

Dedicated data center proxies look like residential ones and hide your IP addresses. However, they display another IP address from a data center rather than a home address. Data centers, unlike residential solutions, are not affiliated with Internet service providers. As a result, websites will be able to recognize when a data center provides an IP address. This is one reason a residential proxy is considered more valuable than its data center counterpart – residential IPs are more trustworthy and reliable.

When it comes to dynamic (also known as “rotating”) and static residential proxies, these are branches from the same tree. Static proxies are intermediaries with fixed IP addresses. Even if your IP address changes, you’ll always connect to websites using a static proxy server.

Only data center proxies and ISP proxies can be static in general. This is because they are hosted on servers that are always running and allow assigning an IP address to a single person. Residential proxies, on the other hand, are continuously rotated.

Proxies that rotate automatically provide new proxies from a pool of IP addresses. The rotation interval can be determined by time, usually so many minutes, or by the number of connection requests. According to popular interpretation, you can submit 10,000 connection requests from 10,000 unique IP addresses.

Why is a residential proxy a better solution for companies?

People become aware of proxy servers when there is a security problem on an open Wi-Fi network. Many businesses utilize proxy servers to gain access to geo-restricted content for market research purposes. Remember that this is one of many ways proxy servers can help you.

Residential proxies are the best solution for businesses out of all proxy types. If you’re considering deploying residential proxy servers for your brand, here are several reasons you should.

Improve your SEO strategy

While numerous search engine optimization tools are available, completing research is the most effective way to develop an effective strategy.

Businesses can utilize a web scraper to collect SEO-related data and use it to determine the best keywords to increase their search engine rankings. This will aid in getting your web pages in front of your intended audience.

A web scraper powered by residential proxies saves time and increases efficiency by automatically extracting essential data from numerous web pages. Using a proxy prevents websites from restricting your scraping activities.

Secure your network

Cybersecurity is one of every company’s top priorities. After all, history has demonstrated how damaging cyber threats can be to a company. The losses can be financial, regarding a brand’s reputation among consumers, or both.

With so much technology available, it’s no surprise that data theft and hacking are on the rise. Keep in mind that each device on your network, as well as proxy servers, has an IP address. Your IP address remains confidential when your device connects using a proxy. This is because the proxy’s IP address is displayed instead of your device’s.

As a result, residential proxies can protect a brand from cyber-attacks to a certain level. They reduce the likelihood of a breach by acting as an extra defensive layer.

Regulate web traffic

Constant uptime is critical if you want to avoid customer happiness from suffering. If web traffic lacks adequate control, it potentially chokes your system and interferes with clients’ access to your website.

Your website’s data should ideally reside on a web server. When a proxy server is brought into the blend, the same load is allocated across multiple servers. This allows your website to handle a high volume of customer requests seamlessly. It aids in increasing the capacity of your website to satisfy the expectations of customers.


Overall, companies choose residential proxies for their network security benefits, ability to streamline SEO and web scraping activities, and ability to handle web traffic.


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