Interlune aims for ‘Lunar Helium-3’ mining by 2030

"Moon-Based Extraction"

Interlune, a startup led by former Blue Origin crew, is aiming to extract helium-3 from the moon by 2030, marking a significant shift towards privatized space exploration and resource gathering.

This ambitious goal is set to change not only space travel methods but also the way we generate energy on our planet. Helium-3, a rarity on Earth but abundant on the moon, can be an efficient and clean nuclear energy source.

Interlune’s venture also sets the stage for further exploration of extraterrestrial resources, indicating a potential boom in the interplanetary economy. Private institutions like Interlune taking the lead in space exploration could greatly impact the commercial, scientific, and regulatory spaces.

This initiative brings us a step closer to a future where space resources play a key role in our sustainable development.

Helium-3, a sun-produced helium isotope, is plentiful on the moon and is Interlune’s primary interest. The aim is to have a prototype plant on the moon by 2028, establishing an extraction technology for potential commercial lunar missions.

Given its rarity on Earth, Helium-3 sparks interest amongst many space exploration companies. This moon-based extraction tech could revolutionize the industry, setting the stage for future cosmic resource gathering.

So far, Interlune has raised $18 million to support its grand plan, $15 million of which was raised through funding supervised by Seven Seven Six, a venture firm founded by Reddit’s co-creator, Alexis Ohanian.

Interlune’s prime focus is to tap into the moon’s vast helium-3 reserves. These reserves hold promise for breakthroughs in several Earth-based applications such as quantum computing, medical imaging, and possibly as a fuel source for fusion reactors.

Solar winds from the sun carry helium-3 to the moon’s surface unhindered, an event that doesn’t happen on earth due to its magnetosphere. Interlune plans to take advantage of this by large scale excavation of the lunar soil, extracting helium-3 and ferrying it back to earth.

Back on Earth, the non-radioactive helium-3 will be used for nuclear fusion, providing a clean and abundant energy source. This lunar mission serves a dual purpose: space exploration and solving the world’s energy crisis.

Interlune asserts that one load of helium-3 can produce enough energy to power a city the size of Los Angeles for a year. The economic and environmental benefits of this project can be substantial.

Interlune also plans to launch a robotic process for helium-3 density determination at specific lunar locations. This would support their specialized helium-3 extraction machinery, creating a future where lunar extraction is technically possible and financially feasible.

The team behind Interlune includes professionals like Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt, former Blue Origin Principal Architect Gary Lai, and others. Their combined skills and experiences contribute significantly towards the project’s potential success.


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