Merging Catholic faith with entrepreneurial education

"Catholic Entrepreneurship"

In 2020, a former seminarian turned entrepreneur, Luke Burgis, founded the Catholic Entrepreneurship and Design Experience (CEDE). The initiative aims to merge religious faith with entrepreneurial ambitions, targeting the younger generations in the U.S. CEDE emphasizes the importance of Catholic values, such as integrity and compassion, in the pursuit of any career.

The initiative is based at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C but is accessible globally, thanks to the internet. Burgis, as well as spearheading CEDE, also serves as a resident entrepreneur and clinical professor of business at the university. His programs have found significant acceptance in Catholic educational institutions and homeschooling communities worldwide.

CEDE was conceived to narrow the gap between theoretical Catholic education and its practical application in business. It offers a summer entrepreneurship program that trains high-school students over ten weeks. The students learn everything from writing a business proposal to marketing their products or services.

Integrating Catholic principles into entrepreneurial education

They gain hands-on experience converting their knowledge into practical business ventures. In addition, experienced professionals hold workshops and seminars to deepen understanding of ethics and morality in business, aligning with Catholic teachings.

In discussion about his program, Burgis highlighted the multiple benefits of the initiative. Apart from the essential business education, the program fosters confidence and vital life skills among the young Catholics. Its holistic approach to personal and professional development aims not only to impart business principles but also inculcate virtues of honesty, integrity, and the value of hard work.

Burgis’s inspiration for CEDE came from a perceived sharp contrast in business approaches between NYU and the Catholic doctrines encountered post-seminary. His goal was to harmonize these two distinct approaches to commerce and wealth creation to form a business model that modern concepts with traditional Catholic principles of trade.

CEDE’s teaching methodology deviates significantly from the traditional rules-based education provided in most American schools. It focuses on interactive and innovative problem-solving, nurturing individual independence. Burgis believes this learning environment can drastically improve students’ skills, fostering their entrepreneurial potential and installing a deep sense of responsibility and accountability.


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