
Sonos launches updated app amid mixed reviews

Sonos launches updated app amid mixed reviews

"Updated App"

Sonos, renowned for its home sound systems, introduced an upgraded version of its app this week. The upgrade boasts a suite of added features along with a user-friendly interface. This release indicates Sonos’s aim to make managing home sound systems a breeze.

Highlights of the update include enhanced search functions, easy access to saved playlists, and the ability to control multiple speakers simultaneously. Users can also personalize their settings. This reaffirms Sonos’ position as a home sound system market leader and showcases its commitment to innovation.

However, the updated app has drawn criticism for removing key features and introducing new software bugs. Since its launch, users’ complaints have been growing, negatively affecting the app’s rating.

Sonos app update: new features and drawbacks

Key issues reported include software crashes, slow response, and losing data.

This has spooked stakeholders, with brand reputation risks becoming a standout concern. Despite the sleek design and aesthetic improvement, users voiced disappointment over the missing and easy-use layout they were familiar with. They now eagerly look forward to user-friendly features in future updates.

Sonos acknowledged and defended their action, describing it as a sign of commitment to progress. They have assured users that removed features will be reinstated and enhancements will be introduced based on feedback for a better user experience. Most importantly, the company hinted that the app revamp is a move to prepare a base for upcoming products and services. This drives home Sonos’ dedication to customer satisfaction and resolve to embrace technological advancements.

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