
Sonos ventures into headphones market with Ace

Sonos ventures into headphones market with Ace

Ace Headphones

Sonos, a heavyweight in the consumer audio products industry, has made a significant leap into the headphones market. They’ve introduced their first model of over-the-ear wireless headphones – the Sonos Ace. The Ace is set to feature Sonos’ innovative audio technology, which is expected to deliver high-quality sound. The design is sleek, comfortable, and boasts easy connectivity to multiple devices. Notably, it promises a long battery life for your listening pleasure.

With a modern and elegant design, the Sonos Ace blends metal and matte plastics to draw in potential AirPods Max consumers. Its sleek profile and foldability are practical and stylish, topped off with unique physical buttons for enhanced usability.

The features on offer align it with other premium wireless headphones in the market. These include noise-canceling ability to rival the best, transparency modes, and high-quality wireless audio. This makes it a perfect choice for Tidal users or those with similar high-resolution preferences. As if this wasn’t enough, the Sonos Ace also possesses an extended battery life of 30 hours and is sweat and water-resistant, making it a sturdy ally for fitness lovers.

Comfort wasn’t overlooked when designing the Ace. The ear cups are made of soft foam layers bound in vegan leather, giving them a barely-there feel.

Sonos Ace: Innovating the headphones market

Sustainability is a prime focus, and replaceable ear cups are provided, ensuring a long life for your headphones. They’re also lightweight and foldable for easy storage or travel. A perfectly fitting adjustable headband provides a secure, comfortable fit.

The Sonos Ace headphones will be available from June 5 in ‘Black’ and ‘Soft White’ colors. Pre-orders can be made through the brand’s official platform at £449 GBP / $449 USD. This includes free worldwide shipping and grants access to features such as high-resolution sound and active noise cancellation. Customers can expect an immersive audio experience, all contained within a modern, straightforward, and ergonomic design.

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The advertised battery life is 24 hours, providing a nonstop music experience. Additionally, compatibility with popular streaming platforms makes it even easier to listen to your music on the go. Meanwhile, the corresponding app released by Sonos lets you customize your headphones’ settings to your preferences, providing a personalized audio experience.

This makes the launch of the Sonos Ace a breakthrough moment in the audio equipment industry. Sonos continues to define expectations with superior design, innovative technology, and high-quality audio. The market’s anticipation for their latest release is justified—the Sonos Ace truly does appear worth every penny.


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