Start-ups shifting to eco-friendly toilet paper

Start-ups shifting to eco-friendly toilet paper

"Eco-friendly Start-ups"

A rising trend among emerging start-ups is creating eco-friendly toilet paper made from alternative materials such as trees. This is a direct response to the concern about deforestation in Canada’s forests due to the high demand for this everyday household item. Companies headlining this shift towards sustainability include Whole Foods, Green Forest, Who Gives a Crap, and Reel Paper.

These inventive companies are utilizing unique materials in production, such as bamboo, sugarcane, and recycled content. All while delivering on their promise to create sustainable, high-quality products. Alongside their dedication to contributing to a healthier environment, these companies also recognize and react to the evolving consumer mentality, favoring eco-conscious products.

Standard toilet paper is primarily composed of wood pulp extracted from Canadian forests, a practice that has drawn serious criticism for its lack of sustainability. But now, the focus is shifting towards more environmentally friendly options, such as bamboo.

Start-ups transition to sustainable toilet paper

Bamboo, one of the world’s fastest-growing plants, is a highly renewable resource, requiring minimal water to grow and no need for harmful chemicals.

Companies like Reel Paper are going one step further, preferring zero plastic in their packaging and often donating a portion of their profits towards improving sanitation facilities worldwide. The mission for these pioneering companies goes beyond profit making, aiming to create positive environmental and social impacts.

David VanHimbergen, CEO of Reel Paper, is a firm advocate of bamboo, declaring it a superior sustainable resource for paper product development. Besides its rapid regeneration, bamboo consumes significantly less water than traditional forestry and has a greater capacity to capture carbon dioxide, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. VanHimbergen sees vast potential in utilizing bamboo for a more sustainable and eco-friendly paper industry in the future.

Replacing tree-based products with sustainable alternatives like bamboo could make a substantial environmental difference. With around 27,000 trees falling daily to meet toilet paper production demands, choosing bamboo, which produces 30% less carbon than trees, can help conserve our planet immensely.

Considering the increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly products, potential investors are displaying growing interest in these groundbreaking start-ups. Andrew Bluestein of Bluestein Associates sees significant market potential and financial viability in these green start-ups. He believes, in the future, they could be prime targets for acquisition by major industry moguls.


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