Static Website vs. Dynamic Website: What Your Business Needs

Static Website vs. Dynamic Website: What Your Business Needs

what is a static website

In the modern world, it seems like everyone and everything is online. We connect with friends over social media sites, we browse media on platforms like Youtube, and we shop and make purchases using online websites. With so much of the world taking place over the internet, it is imperative as a business owner that your company has an effective website. This article will take a look at a couple of the different options you should consider when constructing a website, static and dynamic, and hopefully help identify which option is best for your business.

So, what is a static website? What is a dynamic website? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Here is our guide on understanding static and dynamic websites, and determining which best suits your business’s needs.

What is a Static Website?

In simple terms, a static website is one in which everything remains constant. Each user on the website will see the same thing on each page. Every user will have access to the exact same information, pictures, and other details. Static websites generally don’t update frequently, and they often don’t have wide arrays of information.

In more technical terms, all static websites are created using HTML, Javascript, CSS, or some combination of the three. With them, each page is stored as an individual HTML file and will not change unless the actual HTML code is manually altered. Any changes to the website must be made to each individual HTML file, and changes will only impact that corresponding page. As such, static websites rarely, if ever, have widescale changes made.

What is a Dynamic Website?

On the other side of things, dynamic websites tailor their experience to each individual user. Personal data such as location, cookies, or browsing history all factor into each user’s experience on the website. Dynamic websites also change and update much more frequently than static websites. The majority of websites today are dynamic. Some examples include social media sites like Instagram and Twitter, shopping sites such as Amazon, and even media outlets such as CNN or Youtube.

In technical terms, dynamic websites operate based on data organized in a backside content management system or CMS. These content management systems monitor user data such as location and browsing history, this data is then stored and then used the next time you access the site. It’s the reason why websites like Youtube are able to offer suggested videos based on your viewing history.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Static Website

There are a few advantages to using or creating a static website. From a website designer’s standpoint, they are much quicker to create. If you are on a time crunch then it is relatively simple to get a static website up and running. Along with being easier to create, they will generally have faster-loading pages. Finally, in theory, static websites are more secure than dynamic ones. Because static websites don’t connect to a database of information there are fewer access points for potential security threats.

As for disadvantages, while static sites are quicker to create, they are much more tedious to manage and maintain. In order to make any edits or adjustments, site designers have to alter each individual Html code. This can be extremely time-consuming. Furthermore, static websites have very limited scalability. Because static websites have to be altered page by page, it becomes very difficult to increase the size and capabilities of your site alongside your business.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Dynamic Website

On the other side of things, the advantages of a dynamic website are relatively obvious. First and foremost, dynamic websites provide a better and more personalized user experience. Dynamic websites are able to offer each user a unique experience and provide greater functionality and utility. Along with the improved user experience, dynamic sites are also much easier to update and scale alongside your business. Multiple points of access mean that updating your site becomes much less time-consuming and tedious.

As far as disadvantages go, the largest issue in creating a dynamic website is upfront time and resources. Dynamic sites are easier to update, but they take significantly more time and resources to create in the first place. Another potential disadvantage is the risk of security threats or performance issues. Because dynamic sites are more complex it can be much more difficult to identify source problems or security threats.

Conclusion: Static vs Dynamic Websites

In summary, static and dynamic websites function in very different ways. Static websites offer each user the same experience and very rarely change or update. Every page of a static website has its own unique HTML coding. Static websites are easy to create but can be challenging to maintain, upgrade, or scale alongside your business.

On the other hand, dynamic websites provide each user with a personalized experience and are constantly changing. Dynamic websites monitor user data such as cookies and location to provide a unique experience specific to each user. Dynamic websites are harder to create but significantly easier to update and change over time. The choice of which website style to use depends on your business and what would best suit its needs.


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