Using Multi Edit Mode

Using Multi Edit Mode

This is a neat trick I have learnt recently. When dealing with large lists of information, we, as developers, sometimes need to copy them, then add commas manually.

Say, for instance, you have a list of numbers, and you have constructed the query to resemble the query below:

SELECT StudentID FROM Students WHERE StudentID IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )

Now you need to add the commas manually. What happens when you have a larger list? There will be lots of freudian slips and finger-faults.

Solution: Multi Edit Mode

Click and hold the left mouse button to the left of the last item in the list. (Click left the number 9, in the above example).

  • Keep holding down the button
  • Press and hold the Alt button on the keyboard
  • Drag upwards (to the number 2 in the example above)
  • Release both the Alt button and the left mouse button
  • Notice that there is a fine blue line where you have dragged Press

Notice that the whole list gets populated with commas next to them, as shown next:

SELECT StudentID FROM Students WHERE StudentID IN (1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9 )

You can continue typing more, but when done, press Escape to exit Multi Edit mode.


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