Active-Matrix OLED

Definition of Active-Matrix OLED

Active-Matrix OLED (AMOLED) is a type of display technology that combines an active-matrix backplane with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) to produce high-quality, energy-efficient visuals. In this setup, each pixel is controlled independently by thin-film transistors, allowing for faster refresh rates and improved image quality. AMOLED displays are commonly used in smartphones, smartwatches, and televisions due to their vibrant colors, excellent contrast ratios, and thin, lightweight profiles.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Active-Matrix OLED” is: ˈæk-tɪv ˈmeɪ-trɪks ˈoʊ-lɛd

Key Takeaways

  1. Active-Matrix OLED (AMOLED) displays offer higher refresh rates, better image quality, and faster response times compared to conventional LCD screens.
  2. AMOLED screens consume less power and provide better contrast, as each pixel can be independently controlled and completely turned off when displaying black colors, leading to deeper blacks and improved energy efficiency.
  3. AMOLED technology is well-suited for flexible and foldable displays, allowing for innovative designs and applications in various industries such as smartphones, television, and wearables.

Importance of Active-Matrix OLED

Active-Matrix OLED (AMOLED) is an important technology term because it represents a key advancement in display technology, offering significant improvements over traditional LCD screens.

AMOLED displays are known for their higher refresh rates, better color accuracy, and deeper black levels, resulting in a more vibrant and visually appealing user experience.

This technology utilizes an active matrix structure, which allows for faster pixel response and greater control over individual pixels, enabling sharper images and smoother motion on screen.

Furthermore, AMOLED displays are thinner, more energy-efficient, and possess improved viewing angles, making them an ideal choice for smartphones, wearables, and other electronics.

In summary, Active-Matrix OLED is a crucial term in the field of technology as it represents a major step forward in the quality and performance of modern electronic displays.


Active-Matrix OLED, commonly known as AMOLED, is a display technology that has rapidly gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics. The primary purpose of AMOLED technology is to deliver crisp, vibrant images and videos with reduced power consumption compared to traditional LCD displays. This makes AMOLED a preferred choice for a wide range of devices, from smartphones and smartwatches to televisions and tablets.

In addition to its energy efficiency, AMOLED stands out for its superior color reproduction, high refresh rates, and ability to produce true blacks by turning off individual pixels, resulting in impressive contrast ratios. The prowess of AMOLED technology can be attributed to its unique structure. Unlike traditional LCD displays that rely on a backlight to illuminate pixels, each pixel in an AMOLED display generates its own light.

To achieve this, AMOLED leverages Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) and an active-matrix system to address and control individual pixels. The active-matrix system, which consists of thin-film transistors (TFTs), facilitates rapid response times in pixel switching and offers greater control over each pixel. Consequently, AMOLED displays exhibit smoother motion handling, making them suitable for gaming and high-definition video playback.

In summary, AMOLED technology enhances overall user experience by offering vivid visuals, power efficiency, and fast response times across various applications.

Examples of Active-Matrix OLED

Active Matrix OLED (AMOLED) technology has been used in various real-world applications, offering better image quality, power efficiency, and flexibility compared to traditional LCD panels. Here are three real-world examples:

Smartphones and Mobile Devices: AMOLED screens have become popular in smartphones and other mobile devices, such as tablets. Samsung, for example, uses its Super AMOLED displays in several flagship smartphones, including the Galaxy S21 series and Galaxy Z Fold devices. These displays offer rich color reproduction, high contrast ratios, and low power consumption for improved battery life.

Televisions: AMOLED technology is also used in televisions to provide better image quality and lower energy consumption. LG’s OLED TVs, such as the C1 and G1 series, utilize AMOLED panels to provide a better viewing experience, including deep blacks, vibrant colors, and smooth motion. These OLED TVs also support various HDR formats like Dolby Vision, HDR10, and HLG, offering better clarity and brightness in supported content.

Wearable Devices: AMOLED displays are widely used in smartwatches and other wearable devices due to their power efficiency, which is crucial for devices with limited battery capacity. Apple Watch uses AMOLED technology in its display to ensure a bright and colorful interface while maintaining a slim profile and enhanced battery life. Other examples include the Samsung Galaxy Watch and Fitbit Versa series.

Active-Matrix OLED FAQs

What is an Active-Matrix OLED?

An Active-Matrix OLED (AMOLED) is a type of display technology that utilizes organic compounds to create pixels, producing high-quality images. This technology has become popular in recent years, especially in smartphones, TV screens, and other displays, due to its slim profile, low power consumption, and excellent color reproduction capabilities.

What are the advantages of Active-Matrix OLED displays?

Some advantages of Active-Matrix OLED displays include better color accuracy, faster refresh rates, higher contrast ratios, and thinner profiles compared to traditional LCD displays. They also consume less power when displaying images with darker colors, making them more energy efficient in some usage scenarios.

Are there any drawbacks to using Active-Matrix OLED displays?

The main drawback of AMOLED displays is their susceptibility to screen burn-in. This occurs when static content is displayed for extended periods, resulting in permanent damage to the pixels. Additionally, AMOLED screens can be more expensive compared to LCD alternatives. Lastly, the organic compounds used in AMOLED displays have a limited lifespan, which could potentially result in a loss of brightness and color accuracy over time.

What is the difference between Active-Matrix and Passive-Matrix OLEDs?

Active-Matrix OLEDs use a thin-film transistor (TFT) layer to control each pixel independently, resulting in higher resolution, faster refresh rates, and better color accuracy. In contrast, Passive-Matrix OLEDs control pixels using a simple grid, which can lead to slower refresh rates, reduced brightness, and lower resolution.

Are Active-Matrix OLEDs suitable for all types of devices?

While Active-Matrix OLEDs have become increasingly popular in smartphones and TV screens, their price and susceptibility to screen burn-in may make them unsuitable for some applications, like digital signage or displays that need to show static content for extended periods. However, for devices that prioritize high-quality visuals and thin profiles, AMOLED displays can be an excellent choice.

Related Technology Terms

  • Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLED)
  • Thin-Film Transistor (TFT)
  • Pixel Response Time
  • Flexible Displays
  • Subpixels

Sources for More Information


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