Advanced Business Application Programming: Definition, Examples


Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is a high-level programming language developed by the software company SAP. It is used for developing applications for the SAP R/3 system, a widely-installed business application subsystem. The syntax of ABAP is somewhat similar to COBOL and includes key concepts of structured programming, object orientation, and other programming models.


The phonetics for “Advanced Business Application Programming” are:- Advanced: ədˈvanst- Business: ‘biznəs – Application: ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən- Programming: ˈproʊˌgræmɪŋ

Key Takeaways

Three Main Takeaways about Advanced Business Application Programming:

  1. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high-level programming language created by SAP. It is primarily used for developing business applications within the SAP environment.
  2. In addition to traditional database management tasks, ABAP is also used for creating Reports, Interfaces, Forms, and Workflow development, along with many other SAP application components.
  3. ABAP follows an event-driven programming model. This provides a higher level of control to developers, enabling them to manage complex requirements and business logic more efficiently.


Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is a crucial technology term as it refers to a high-level programming language created by the software company SAP. It’s essential for the development of applications for the SAP R/3 system, a widespread business application system used by numerous large-scale organizations globally. In other words, it’s how programmers create modules in SAP to customize it to meet the unique needs of a business. By using ABAP, developers can modify and enhance the SAP system, making it a valuable and customizable business tool. The significant role ABAP plays in global business operations and SAP application enhancement underscores its importance in the technology and business fields.


Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is a high-level language designed for programming enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. These systems manage integral business operations such as supply chain, finance, human resources, and more for large organizations. Developed by German software company SAP SE, ABAP specializes in creating custom reports and interfaces along with module pool programming.Almost all SAP software relies heavily on ABAP programming, relying on it for customization and functionality enhancements of existing SAP applications. It’s used to generate graphic interfaces, creating reports, or scripts to meet specific business needs. Its ability to integrate well with other technologies and the vast SAP infrastructure is essential as large businesses often have complex data management needs. With ABAP, organizations can tailor their SAP system according to their unique requirements, thereby optimizing their business processes.


Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is a high-level programming language created by the software company SAP. Here are three real-world examples of its use:1. SAP R/3: This software was one of the first to widely apply ABAP. It’s an enterprise resource planning software that integrates various organizational systems into one unified system. ABAP was used to customize and modify this software to match specific business requirements. Industries ranging from healthcare to retail, have used it to streamline their business processes.2. Customer Relationship Management Systems: Many CRM systems built within the SAP environment, such as SAP CRM, use ABAP to develop or adapt its functionalities. This can range from sales and service modules to marketing and interaction center functionalities. Companies use this to nurture customer relationships and analyze customer interactions to drive sales growth.3. Supply Chain Management Systems: In a global economy, managing the coordination and movement of goods or services from manufacture to consumption is complex. SAP’s Supply Chain Management system, mainly coded with ABAP, is used by many multinational companies like Johnson & Johnson or Unilever. They use it to forecast, plan, and manage their supply chain and logistics, ensuring that their products are delivered efficiently to customers.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q1: What is Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP)?A1: Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) is a high-level programming language created by the German software company SAP. It is designed for the development of business applications in the SAP environment.Q2: What is ABAP used for?A2: ABAP is used for programming SAP’s application server, which is part of its NetWeaver platform for building business applications. ABAP can also be used to modify the functionality of existing SAP applications.Q3: Where is ABAP mostly used?A3: ABAP is mostly used in organizations that run SAP systems. These can range from small and medium-sized businesses to large multinational corporations.Q4: How is ABAP different from other programming languages?A4: ABAP is specifically designed for SAP applications. Its syntax and structure are different from other languages, with it being particularly robust for large, complex business applications.Q5: Does knowing ABAP require a knowledge of other programming languages?A5: It is not necessarily required, but a basic understanding of programming languages and concepts can be helpful when learning ABAP.Q6: How long does it take to learn ABAP?A6: The timeframe varies depending on your current programming experience and how quickly you learn, but it generally could be anywhere from a few months to a year.Q7: Is there an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ABAP?A7: Yes, SAP provides an IDE known as ABAP Development Tools (ADT) for Eclipse. This brings all ABAP development tasks right into the Eclipse IDE, familiar to many developers from other languages.Q8: Why is it important for enterprises using SAP to have ABAP developers?A8: ABAP developers can help customize SAP applications to meet the unique needs of the business. They can also design, build, and maintain systems that integrate with SAP solutions.Q9: Can someone without a technical background learn ABAP?A9: Yes, although it would likely take them longer to learn than someone with a technical background since they would need to learn basic programming concepts.Q10: What are some of the career opportunities for an ABAP developer?A10: ABAP developers can find job opportunities as SAP software engineers, SAP technical consultants, SAP programmers, or system analysts. Many companies that utilize SAP systems actively seek ABAP developers.

Related Technology Terms

  • ABAP Objects: This is an extension to the ABAP language that supports object-oriented programming.
  • NetWeaver: This is the technology platform developed by SAP that provides the underpinning infrastructure for most SAP applications.
  • SAP GUI: This stands for Graphical User Interface and it’s the software used by end-users to interact with SAP systems.
  • Open SQL: It’s a part of ABAP that allows developers to access all database tables available in the SAP system.
  • Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI): This is a standardized programming interface that allows external applications to access business processes and data in the SAP system.

Sources for More Information


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