Advanced Configuration And Power Interface

Definition of Advanced Configuration And Power Interface

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is a standard that enables hardware and operating systems to communicate, manage power, and configure devices. It provides information about the system’s hardware and power-management capabilities, allowing the system to adjust power consumption and other performance settings. By supporting the ACPI standard, computers and devices can efficiently conserve energy and optimize performance.


The phonetics of the keyword “Advanced Configuration And Power Interface” are:æd-ˈvænst kən-ˌfɪɡ-ə-ˈreɪ-ʃən ænd ˈpaʊər ˈɪn-tər-feɪs

Key Takeaways

  1. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is a widely adopted standard that enables operating systems to manage power usage and system configuration on hardware devices, making systems more energy-efficient.
  2. ACPI allows the operating system to discover and configure hardware components, manage power resources, and perform system tasks such as suspending and resuming system states, enabling a seamless integration between hardware and software.
  3. ACPI introduces power states for devices, processors, and the overall system, allowing the OS to effectively put individual hardware components and the system as a whole into low-power states, conserving energy and prolonging battery life in mobile devices.

Importance of Advanced Configuration And Power Interface

The technology term Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is important because it plays a crucial role in managing power consumption and overall system performance.

It essentially establishes a standard communication protocol between the operating system and the computer’s firmware, allowing them to cooperate on resource assignment, power states, and device configuration.

This level of coordination enables the system to optimize and control power usage effectively, extending battery life and reducing energy consumption.

Additionally, ACPI supports advanced power management features such as sleep and hibernate modes, which further contribute to energy efficiency.

In a nutshell, ACPI is vital for achieving streamlined and sustainable systems, while simultaneously improving user experience and environmental impact.


The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) serves as a crucial component in modern computing systems that aims at streamlining power management, enabling enhanced performance, and ensuring a greater level of hardware integration. As a framework for managing both the configuration and power aspects of a system, ACPI greatly impacts the user experience by facilitating better energy usage and the efficient functioning of various components.

Developers and hardware manufacturers utilize ACPI to build energy-savvy devices that boast extended battery life and reduced energy consumption, culminating in environmentally responsible computing solutions. Additionally, the framework plays a vital role in constructing sleep and hibernation modes, enabling devices to conserve power intelligently when not in use.

ACPI orchestrates the communication between the operating system and system hardware, allowing the OS to monitor and regulate power at both the component and system levels, while affording the user better control over the power settings. This not only bolsters the device’s performance, but it also impacts the longevity and functionality of the hardware components.

Moreover, ACPI establishes industry-standard interfaces for managing thermal and power-related aspects of mobile, desktop, and server systems. With its well-defined structures and features, ACPI has transformed the landscape of power management in modern computing, supporting a wide range of device configurations, from everyday personal computers to enterprise-level infrastructure.

Examples of Advanced Configuration And Power Interface

Example 1: Laptop Power ManagementAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) enables laptop power management features such as hibernation, sleep mode, and battery status monitoring. For instance, when a laptop’s lid is closed, ACPI triggers the system to enter sleep mode, saving power and allowing the user to resume work quickly upon reopening the laptop. Additionally, ACPI helps in managing the battery life by displaying its status and optimizing power consumption based on the user’s activities.Example 2: Data Center Power ManagementIn modern data centers, ACPI plays an essential role in managing power consumption and reducing energy costs. Data center operators use ACPI to monitor and regulate the power usage of servers, storage devices, and networking equipment. This technology facilitates features like dynamic voltage scaling, active cooling control, and idle power management to ensure optimal system performance while minimizing power consumption.Example 3: Green Computing InitiativesACPI supports green computing initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact. For instance, the Energy Star certification program requires compliance with ACPI power management guidelines to meet the energy efficiency criteria. Devices such as PCs, monitors, and servers must adhere to ACPI standards for power management to be eligible for the Energy Star label. As a result, ACPI plays a critical role in promoting energy-efficient technologies and encouraging sustainable computing practices.

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface FAQ

What is Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)?

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an open standard that defines platform-independent interfaces for hardware discovery, configuration, power management, and monitoring. It enables an operating system to interact with the hardware on a higher level by providing a systematic and standardized method for device configuration, power management, and other system-level functions.

What is the purpose of ACPI?

The main purpose of ACPI is to provide platform-independent hardware discovery and configuration, allowing operating systems to manage and control the power usage of individual hardware components. ACPI lets an operating system interact with hardware to perform power management functions, such as turning off idle devices, placing the system in sleep mode, or shutting down the system.

Can all hardware components interact with ACPI?

All hardware components can interact with ACPI as long as they are designed to be ACPI-compliant. Major hardware manufacturers and component vendors have widely adopted ACPI, incorporating it into their hardware to ensure compatibility with modern operating systems.

How does ACPI interact with an operating system?

ACPI interacts with an operating system through the ACPI driver and ACPI tables. The ACPI driver, included in the operating system, is responsible for interpreting and managing the instructions and settings provided by ACPI tables. These tables are firmware-level data structures that describe the hardware configuration, power management settings, and other system-level attributes. The operating system uses the ACPI driver to read and interpret these tables, thus managing the hardware devices accordingly.

What is the difference between ACPI and BIOS?

ACPI and BIOS serve different purposes in a computer system. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is responsible for initializing the hardware components during boot-up and providing low-level services for the operating system. On the other hand, ACPI provides a higher-level, standardized interface for managing hardware discovery, configuration, and power management. While BIOS acts as the foundation for system initialization, ACPI enables more advanced hardware management and enhanced power-saving features across the system.

Related Technology Terms

  • ACPI States (S0-S5)
  • Power Management
  • System Hardware Control
  • Operating System Coordination
  • ACPI Tables (DSDT, FADT, SSDT)

Sources for More Information


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