Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

Definition of Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) is a protocol that enables communication between different computer programs or applications within a network, often used in a distributed computing environment. Developed by IBM, APPC is a key component of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) framework. It allows for efficient data exchange, error handling, and session management between applications, improving overall system performance and interoperability.


The phonetics for the keyword “Advanced Program-to-Program Communication” are as follows:Advanced: ədˈvænstProgram: ˈproʊˌgræm-to-: tuProgram: ˈproʊˌgræmCommunication: kəˌmjunɪˈkeɪʃənPutting it all together: ədˈvænst ˈproʊˌgræm tu ˈproʊˌgræm kəˌmjunɪˈkeɪʃən

Key Takeaways

  1. Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) is a high-level protocol that facilitates communication between distributed applications on various systems, resulting in effective data exchange and process synchronization.
  2. APPC is based on IBM’s Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and supports both request/response and conversational models of communication, ensuring versatile and reliable transmission of information across platforms.
  3. Implementing APPC requires thorough understanding of SNA concepts, setting up proper SNA configurations, and tailoring your applications to work with APPC’s framework, ensuring seamless integration and efficient communication between programs.

Importance of Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) is an important technology term as it refers to a critical aspect of data communication and transmission among various software applications in distributed computing environments.

By facilitating data exchange between disparate programs running on different computers or platforms, APPC enhances efficiency and interoperability among systems.

It provides a robust and flexible method for data transfer, enabling seamless data synchronization.

This results in improved connectivity, streamlined workflows, and optimized usage of available resources, ultimately contributing to the overall performance and success of an organization.

With the growing reliance on complex, interconnected systems in today’s technology-driven world, APPC has emerged as a vital component in achieving seamless collaboration and information exchange across diverse computing environments.


Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) serves as a pivotal solution to enhance cooperation and data exchange between diverse software applications, fostering an efficient and seamless flow of information within a computing environment. As organizations continue to expand technologically, integration of various applications becomes crucial to streamline operations and maintain a high level of productivity.

APPC facilitates this process by bridging the gap between different systems, regardless of the underlying hardware or operating system. Its primary objective is to foster an environment where applications can exchange data in real-time, optimizing processes and ensuring accurate and timely communication.

One of the remarkable applications of APPC lies in its capacity to support distributed systems, where resources and data are dispersed across multiple platforms. Implementing APPC in these environments allows applications to communicate, invoke requests, and share valuable information with other applications without the need for intermediary steps or manual intervention.

This not only reduces the workload and potential errors but also promotes a more synchronized and responsive computing environment. In essence, Advanced Program-to-Program Communication serves as the backbone of effective communication between diverse software applications, enabling businesses to achieve a higher level of operational efficiency and make better-informed decisions.

Examples of Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) is a protocol that allows different applications to communicate and exchange data with each other, irrespective of the platform or programming language in use. Here are three real-world examples of APPC technology:

Banking & Financial Services: In the banking industry, APPC is used for communication between different banking software applications, such as account management, monitoring, and fraud detection systems. These applications share data seamlessly, allowing for real-time verification of transactions, account balances updates, and more efficient fraud protection.

E-Commerce: E-commerce platforms often use APPC to enable communication between their various components, such as payment gateways, inventory management systems, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This ensures smooth coordination across these components, increasing the overall efficiency of the platform for both customers and business owners.

Supply Chain Management: APPC has been widely adopted in Supply Chain Management to enable communication between various software applications handling aspects like inventory, logistics, and warehouse management. This allows companies to optimize their supply chain operations by sharing real-time data among different systems, leading to better demand forecasting, reducing the risk of overstocking or stockouts, and enabling fast and efficient order fulfillment.

FAQ – Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

1. What is Advanced Program-to-Program Communication?

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) is a high-level protocol that allows applications to communicate and exchange data over a network. APPC is primarily used in complex, distributed systems to simplify the communication process between different programs or systems.

2. Which systems support APPC?

APPC is mainly associated with IBM mainframe environments, such as z/OS, z/VM, and AS/400 systems. However, some non-IBM platforms and operating systems also provide support for APPC communication through implementation of compatible middleware.

3. How does APPC ensure reliable and efficient communication?

APPC uses a connection-oriented communication model, which establishes a virtual session between two programs before exchanging data. This makes sure both programs are aware of the communication and helps ensure data integrity. Additionally, APPC can handle error detection, error recovery, flow control, and data segmentation to optimize the communication process.

4. What are some examples of applications using APPC?

Some examples of applications using APPC include banking and finance systems, airline reservation systems, and manufacturing process controls, where reliable and efficient communication between multiple systems is essential.

5. How does APPC compare to other communication protocols?

APPC is specifically designed for program-to-program communication and provides a robust set of features for ensuring reliable and efficient data exchange. In comparison, other communication protocols may be more general-purpose or designed for specific functionalities, such as HTTP for web browsing or FTP for file transfers.

Related Technology Terms

  • Synchronous Messaging
  • Asynchronous Messaging
  • Message Queuing
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  • Distributed Transaction Processing

Sources for More Information


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