
Angle Bracket

Definition of Angle Bracket

An angle bracket, in the context of technology and computer programming, refers to a pair of characters used to enclose code elements, such as tags in markup languages like HTML and XML. They consist of two symbols: the less-than sign (<) and the greater-than sign (>). These brackets are essential in defining the structure and elements within a document or code and play a significant role in organizing data.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Angle Bracket” is:/ˈæŋɡəl ˈbrækɪt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Angle brackets are used to create HTML elements, which define the structure and content of a web page.
  2. They consist of an opening tag (<element>) and a closing tag (</element>), with the content or attributes placed in between.
  3. Some common examples of elements that use angle brackets include <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, and <img> for images.

Importance of Angle Bracket

The term angle bracket is important in technology because it serves a critical role in various programming languages, markup languages, and data exchange formats.

Angle brackets, which are the symbols “<" and ">“, are commonly used to define, structure, and delimit information.

They’re integral to the creation and arrangement of elements in languages like HTML, XML, and MathML, as well as in templating engines and certain coding styles.

Angle brackets help ensure proper organization, readability, and interpretation of code by computers, browsers, and web applications, contributing significantly to the functionality and usability of the digital world.

Without angle brackets, developers would struggle to convey instructions, provide structure, and maintain a standardized method of programming across different systems and platforms.


Angle brackets play a significant role in the world of technology, particularly in computer programming and markup languages. Their primary purpose is to enhance readability and establish structure in coding and document markup. Often represented by the symbols “<" and ">“, angle brackets serve as delimiters, signaling to the computer or program that the text enclosed within these symbols is set apart for a specific purpose or function.

In this manner, angle brackets enable the smooth execution of code and allow for easier interpretation by both the machine and human users. Different programming and markup languages use angle brackets for various purposes. For instance, in HTML, angle brackets are employed to define and surround tags that indicate elements and attributes in a webpage’s structure, such as headings, paragraphs, and images.

Similarly, in XML, angle brackets help denote the beginning and closing of distinct elements, thus creating a hierarchical organization of data that is easily read and processed by other applications. Meanwhile, in other computer programming languages like JavaScript or Python, angle brackets can be used as comparison operators for conditional statements or loops. Overall, angle brackets facilitate clarity, organization, and functionality across a wide spectrum of programming and markup contexts.

Examples of Angle Bracket

An angle bracket typically refers to hardware components utilized for joining pieces or supporting structures in various ways. However, in the technology realm, “angle bracket” refers to the “less than” and “greater than” symbols (“<" and ">“) used in programming languages and markup languages like HTML, XML, and others. I will assume you are inquiring about the latter meaning associated with technology. Here are three real-world examples:

HTML: Angle brackets are the key elements in HTML’s tag-based structure. They are used to create and define elements in a webpage. For example, if you want to create a header and a paragraph, you would write:“`

This is a header

This is a paragraph

“`The opening and closing angle brackets allow the browser to understand that the text within the brackets should be treated as an HTML element.

XML: Extensible Markup Language (XML) also uses angle brackets to define its elements and attributes, allowing users to create their own custom data formats. For instance, if you want to represent a simple book collection:“` Book 1 Jane Doe Book 2 John Smith “`In this example, angle brackets indicate the start and end points of elements and their associated attributes.

Code Templates: In programming languages like C++ and Java, angle brackets are used to denote template parameters — particularly in the Standard Template Library (STL) in the case of C++. For example, a C++ code snippet for the declaration of a vector of integers would look like this:“`std::vector myVector;“`The angle brackets allow the programmer to define the type of data the vector will store (in this case, integers).

Angle Bracket FAQ

What is an angle bracket?

Angle brackets are the character symbols “<” and “>” that are used in HTML, XML, and other markup languages to enclose tags, which define elements within these documents.

What are the different types of angle brackets?

There are two types of angle brackets, the opening angle bracket “<” and the closing angle bracket “>”. These brackets are used together to enclose different tags in markup languages.

What is the purpose of angle brackets?

Angle brackets are used to define the start and end of an element in markup languages. They help to structure the content of the document, allowing web browsers and other applications to properly display or process the information contained within.

How do you use angle brackets in HTML?

In HTML, you use angle brackets to create tags that define the structure and content of your web page. For instance, to create a heading, you would use the opening angle bracket, followed by the tag name (e.g., “h1”), and then the closing angle bracket. You would include the heading text and then close the heading element with a similar structure, but with a forward slash (“/”) inside the closing angle bracket – like “</h1>”.

Are angle brackets used in other programming languages?

Yes, angle brackets are used in several programming languages, mainly in relation to generics, which allows the code to be more reusable and type-safe. Some languages that use angle brackets for generics include C++, Java, and C#.

Related Technology Terms

  • Markup Language
  • HTML Tags
  • XML
  • Attribute
  • Closing Tag

Sources for More Information


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