Apache Subversion

Definition of Apache Subversion

Apache Subversion, often abbreviated as SVN, is an open-source version control system used to manage and track changes made in files and directories over time. It enables developers to collaborate on projects, maintain a complete history of edits, and revert to previous versions when necessary. SVN is popular for managing source code in software development and is maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.


The phonetics for the keyword “Apache Subversion” are:əˈpæʧi səbˈvɝʒən

Key Takeaways

  1. Apache Subversion, also known as SVN, is a widely-used centralized version control system that allows you to track changes to files and directories over time, facilitating collaboration among developers and maintaining a history of previous versions.
  2. SVN supports branching and merging functionality, which enables developers to create, manage, and merge branches of their code easily, allowing for parallel development and a smoother workflow.
  3. Apache Subversion’s main advantages include atomic commits, strong access control mechanisms, and compatibility with various operating systems, making it a reliable choice for organizations and development teams of all sizes.

Importance of Apache Subversion

Apache Subversion, also referred to as SVN, is an important technology term because it is a widely used, open-source version control system that enables developers to track and manage changes to files and directories over time.

This powerful tool allows for efficient collaboration among team members working on the same project, providing them the ability to track revisions, merge conflicts, and restore earlier versions of files.

As a centralized system, it is especially adept at handling source code management, which is crucial for software development projects.

Ultimately, Apache Subversion streamlines the development process, reduces the likelihood of errors, and contributes to the technology industry’s overall growth and efficiency.


Apache Subversion, often simply referred to as SVN, is a widely-used version control system that plays a crucial role in managing and tracking changes within software development projects. Its primary purpose is to efficiently record the history of source code, documentation, and other ever-evolving digital assets, allowing developers to maintain different versions, recover previous iterations, and collaborate with ease. By implementing a centralized repository for tracking the modifications made to files and directories, SVN promotes teamwork by allowing multiple team members to work on a single project simultaneously, preventing overwriting or loss of work.

Thus, it acts as a vital tool for maintaining the integrity of project data and ensuring consistency throughout the development process. Beyond fostering collaboration, Apache Subversion offers a myriad of useful features that streamline project management, such as branching and merging. Developers can create independent branches of a project, isolating specific changes or new features for further evaluation before integrating them into the main code base.

The merging functionality enables seamless incorporation of these branches once they are deemed ready. Additionally, SVN provides inherent security with its robust access control mechanisms, ensuring only authorized personnel can access and modify the repositories. Furthermore, Apache Subversion boasts high reliability, performance, and scalability – making it a popular choice amongst both small and large development teams seeking a comprehensive version control solution to manage the life cycle of their projects effectively.

Examples of Apache Subversion

Apache Subversion, also known as SVN, is a version control system (VCS) that allows developers to track changes in files and manage multiple revisions of their projects. Here are three real-world examples of the technology in use:

The Apache Software Foundation projects: Subversion was created at the Apache Software Foundation and is used extensively by the foundation for its own projects. Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, and Apache Lucene are just a few of the projects that rely on Apache Subversion for version control. Developers working on these projects use SVN to track changes, collaborate, and manage the project’s source code.

Google Code: Before it ceased operations in 2016, Google Code used Apache Subversion as its default version control system for hosting open source projects. Developers used SVN to maintain their project repositories, track changes, and collaborate with contributors from around the world. Some popular projects hosted on Google Code included TensorFlow, an open source machine learning framework, and Android Scripting Environment, a platform for developing Android apps using scripting languages.

The FreeBSD Project: FreeBSD is an open-source Unix-like operating system that uses Apache Subversion for managing its source code repositories. Developers working on FreeBSD can use SVN to track changes in the system’s kernel, libraries, and utility programs, ensuring that the most recent and stable versions are available for users. Subversion has been instrumental in helping the FreeBSD project maintain its large codebase and facilitate collaboration among the worldwide community of developers.

Apache Subversion FAQ

What is Apache Subversion?

Apache Subversion, also known as SVN, is a centralized version control system that allows users to track changes to files and directories over time. It is widely used in software development to manage source code and collaborate on projects with multiple developers.

How do I install Apache Subversion?

To install Apache Subversion, choose the appropriate package for your operating system and follow the installation instructions provided on the official Apache Subversion website.

What are the main components of Apache Subversion?

The main components of Apache Subversion are the Subversion server, the Subversion client, and a repository. The server manages the repository, while the client is used by users to access and make changes to the repository. The repository stores all the versioned data, including files and directories.

How do I create a new Subversion repository?

To create a new Subversion repository, use the “svnadmin create” command followed by the desired repository path. For example: ‘svnadmin create /path/to/repository’

What is a working copy in Apache Subversion?

A working copy is a local copy of the files and directories in a Subversion repository. It allows users to make and test changes before committing them to the repository. A working copy can be created using the “svn checkout” command.

How do I commit changes to a Subversion repository?

To commit changes to a Subversion repository, use the “svn commit” command from within the working copy directory. This command will prompt you to add a log message describing the changes and will then send the changes to the repository.

How do I update my working copy with changes from the repository?

To update your working copy with the latest changes from the repository, use the “svn update” command from within the working copy directory. This command will merge any new changes from the repository into your working copy.

Related Technology Terms

  • Version Control System
  • Commit
  • Repository
  • Trunk
  • Branch

Sources for More Information


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