
Apple IIe

Definition of Apple IIe

The Apple IIe is an 8-bit personal computer, part of the Apple II series, introduced by Apple Inc. in January 1983. It featured an improved keyboard, built-in 64KB RAM, and enhanced graphics capabilities, making it one of the most successful Apple II models. The IIe stands for “Extended,” reflecting its expanded features, and it remained in production until 1993, making it the longest-lived Apple II model.


The phonetics of the keyword “Apple IIe” can be described as:/ˈæpÉ™l tu ˈi ˈi eɪ/ In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):- ‘Apple’: /ˈæpÉ™l/- ‘II’: /tu ˈi ˈi/- ‘e’: /eɪ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Apple IIe was an iconic 8-bit computer released in 1983 that played a significant role in the personal computer revolution, offering expanded capabilities compared to its predecessors.
  2. The computer boasted a 1MHz processor, 64K RAM expandable to 128K, and advanced graphics and sound capabilities that made it a popular choice for gaming, education, and business applications.
  3. Its built-in BASIC programming language and wide range of available software made the Apple IIe a versatile, user-friendly computer that was accessible to a broad audience.

Importance of Apple IIe

The Apple IIe, released in 1983, holds significant importance in the history of technology as it was a groundbreaking advancement for personal computing during that era.

As the third model in the Apple II series, it became a staple in both homes and educational institutions due to its affordability, improved hardware features, and expandable design.

The Apple IIe introduced an 80-column text mode, advanced graphics capabilities, a user-friendly built-in BASIC programming language, and increased memory, propelling the personal computing revolution forward.

The success and influence of the Apple IIe not only solidified Apple’s position as a major player in the technology industry but also paved the way for future generations of personal computers, making it an essential milestone in the realm of computing.


The Apple IIe was a crucial player in the revolution of personal computing, highlighting the advancements in accessibility and practical applications for the average user. Launched in 1983, this remarkable machine aimed to simplify the user experience, enabling individuals with minimal computer programming knowledge to operate it efficiently.

Users of the Apple IIe could employ the device for various purposes, such as word processing, data management, and educational programs. The versatility of this personal computer allowed it to permeate different sectors, including households, small businesses, and schools, expediting the integration of technology into daily life.

Furthermore, the Apple IIe contributed significantly towards revolutionizing the gaming industry. The computer’s vibrant color display and enhanced audio capabilities led to a surge in the development of computer games, a medium that was still in its infancy at the time.

As a result, the Apple IIe transitioned from a mere productivity tool to an entertainment centerpiece, bolstering its popularity among casual users. The introduction of this multi-purpose computing system marked the beginning of a new era; it laid the groundwork for the modern personal computers we use today, embodying Apple’s ongoing pursuit of innovation, accessibility, and user experience.

Examples of Apple IIe

Education: In the 1980s, the Apple IIe saw widespread use in schools across the United States, becoming an essential tool for teaching computer literacy and programming skills. Educational software such as The Oregon Trail, Number Munchers, and Reader Rabbit were popular among students and sparked an interest in the potential of technology for learning purposes.

Business and Productivity: The Apple IIe was utilized by small business owners and home office users for various tasks such as word processing, spreadsheet management, and data processing. The introduction of software like AppleWorks, VisiCalc, and Bank Street Writer on the Apple IIe platform helped businesses improve their productivity and transition from traditional paper-based processes to digital ones.

Video Games and Entertainment: The Apple IIe was a popular platform for early video games like Choplifter, Castle Wolfenstein, and Prince of Persia. These games showcased the potential of personal computers as a viable gaming platform, eventually leading to the growth of the video game industry and paving the way for future generations of gaming consoles and computers.


Apple IIe FAQ

What is the Apple IIe?

The Apple IIe (often stylized as Apple //e) is the third model in the Apple II series of personal computers. It was introduced in January 1983 and is an enhancement of the Apple II Plus. The “e” in the model name stands for “enhanced.”

What are the main features of the Apple IIe?

The Apple IIe features a 6502 processor running at 1.023 MHz, with support for both Integer BASIC and Applesoft BASIC built-in. It comes with 64 KB of RAM, expandable to 1 MB, 16-color graphics, a 280×192-pixel resolution, and ProDOS support, which provided better file management and storage capabilities compared to earlier models.

What ports does the Apple IIe have?

The Apple IIe includes various ports and connectors, such as a composite video out, two joystick/game paddle ports, a cassette in/out interface, a speaker out, and an expansion system that allows for the connection of peripherals such as disk drives, printers, and modems.

How long was the Apple IIe in production?

The Apple IIe was in production from January 1983 to November 1993, making it the longest-running Apple II model in Apple’s history. During this period, it underwent several updates and revisions, with the most significant being the release of the Apple IIe Enhanced and the Apple IIe Platinum in the mid-1980s.

What is the Apple IIe Enhanced?

The Apple IIe Enhanced is an updated version of the original Apple IIe, released in March 1985. Enhancements include a 65C02 processor, which provided better compatibility with newer software, improved graphics capabilities, and a new Extended 80-Column Text Card that supported 80-column text and double hi-res graphics. It was also available with an optional Numeric Keypad, RGB monitor, and monochrome green-screen monitor for improved usability.

What is the Apple IIe Platinum?

The Apple IIe Platinum is an update to the Apple IIe Enhanced, introduced in January 1987. It features an updated case design with a platinum color, a new keyboard with a numeric keypad, a new “IIe” logo, and an integrated 80-column text and double hi-res graphics card. Most of the internal hardware remained the same as the Apple IIe Enhanced.


Related Technology Terms

  • 8-bit Home Computer
  • Steve Wozniak
  • Apple Disk II
  • ProDOS Operating System
  • AppleSoft BASIC

Sources for More Information


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