Armored Virus

Definition of Armored Virus

An Armored Virus is a type of malicious software (malware) designed with protective mechanisms to prevent detection and analysis. It uses complex techniques, such as encryption, code obfuscation, or anti-debugging measures, to conceal its presence and evade antivirus software. Its primary purpose is to infect computer systems and remain undetected, ultimately causing damage or stealing information.


The phonetic transcription of “Armored Virus” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:/’ɑrmərd ‘vaɪrəs/

Key Takeaways

  1. Armored viruses are designed with complex protective layers that make them difficult to detect and remove by traditional antivirus software.
  2. They often employ techniques such as encryption, polymorphism, and obfuscation to hide their true nature and evade detection.
  3. Combating armored viruses requires advanced security tools, regular updates, and user vigilance to minimize the risk of infection.

Importance of Armored Virus

The term “Armored Virus” is important in the realm of technology, particularly in cybersecurity, as it refers to a sophisticated form of malicious software designed to evade detection and resist analysis.

Armored viruses employ various techniques, such as encryption, code obfuscation, and self-modifying capabilities, to hide their malicious intent from antivirus software, security researchers, and automated analysis tools.

By remaining undetected, these types of viruses can infiltrate systems more effectively, compromise sensitive data, and cause significant damage to affected networks and devices.

Consequently, understanding and addressing the challenges posed by armored viruses is crucial for ensuring robust digital security and safeguarding valuable information in an increasingly interconnected world.


Armored viruses are a type of malicious software designed to make the detection, analysis, and removal of the virus extremely difficult for cybersecurity experts and antivirus software. The purpose of these viruses is to penetrate deep into the target system and wreak havoc while remaining undetected by the host’s security measures.

Armored viruses employ a variety of sophisticated techniques to evade discovery, such as encryption, polymorphism, or obfuscation of code. By weaponizing their code in such a manner, these viruses aim to prolong their life cycle and maximize the extent of damage they can inflict on the targeted systems.

What sets armored viruses apart from simpler forms of malware is their resilience and adaptability. As they infect a system, these viruses often conceal their presence and intent by disguising themselves as legitimate files or creating several layers of protection to prevent reverse engineering of their code.

Moreover, they can alter their code dynamically to thwart attempts at identification by signature-based antivirus software. While this advanced technology poses a challenge for cybersecurity professionals, the ongoing battle against armored viruses drives the development of improved countermeasures and antivirus protection systems, increasing the overall security of computer networks and applications.

Examples of Armored Virus

Virut: Virut is a sophisticated armored virus that first emerged inIt is known for its ability to infect executable files, spreading itself via network shares, removable media, and externally-hosted websites. The virus also acts as a backdoor, allowing remote access and control to infected machines by cybercriminals. Its polymorphic behavior and ability to evolve in each new infection make it challenging for antiviruses to detect it.

WSality: W

Sality is a notorious family of armored viruses that has been active sinceIt is a polymorphic malicious software that has the ability to infect Windows executable files. The virus spreads through infected files, shared network resources, and removable media devices. W

Sality acts as a backdoor, replacing system files to evade detection and opening communication channels for downloading additional malware or for remote control by the attackers.CIH (Chernobyl) Virus: First discovered in 1998, the CIH virus, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, is one of the earliest examples of an armored virus. The CIH virus infects Windows 95, 98, and ME executables, and its code is encrypted, which makes it harder for antivirus software to detect. On the 26th of every month, the CIH virus triggers the payload, which has the potential to overwrite data on the hard drive and corrupt the BIOS, rendering the computer unusable. The virus spread rapidly at its peak, resulting in widespread damage and data loss.

FAQ – Armored Virus

What is an Armored Virus?

An Armored Virus is a type of malware designed to evade detection and hinder the analysis process by using various techniques, such as encryption, obfuscation, or manipulation of code. These viruses are created to prevent antivirus software from detecting, diagnosing, and removing them.

How does an Armored Virus work?

An Armored Virus works by employing various techniques to hide its presence and actions within a system. Some common methods include encrypting its code, changing its signature, hiding within legitimate files, and using confusing code structure. These techniques make it harder for antivirus software to locate, analyze, and eliminate the virus.

What are the common symptoms of an Armored Virus infection?

Common symptoms of an Armored Virus infection include slow system performance, frequent crashes, increased CPU usage, and the appearance of strange files or processes. In some cases, the virus may also steal sensitive information, corrupt existing files, or cause the infected system to become unresponsive.

How can I protect my computer from Armored Viruses?

To protect your computer from Armored Viruses, follow good cybersecurity practices, such as using up-to-date antivirus software, keeping your operating system and applications updated, not opening unknown email attachments or clicking suspicious links, and regularly backing up your important data.

How to remove an Armored Virus?

Removing an Armored Virus can be challenging due to its evasion techniques. To remove it, you may need to use specialized antivirus software or, in severe cases, seek the help of a professional malware removal expert. Additionally, restoring your system from a trusted backup could be an effective way of eliminating the virus and returning your system to a pre-infected state.

Related Technology Terms

  • Polymorphic Virus
  • Encryption
  • Malware Obfuscation
  • Antivirus Evasion
  • Self-Modifying Code

Sources for More Information


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