Audio Messaging Interchange Specification

Definition of Audio Messaging Interchange Specification

Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) is a communication protocol standard, used primarily for voice messaging systems. It facilitates the exchange of voice messages between different messaging systems using a set of rules and guidelines. By enabling interoperability, AMIS simplifies communication and collaboration among users of different voice messaging systems.


Here is the phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Audio Messaging Interchange Specification”:/ˈɔdi.oʊ ˈmɛsɪdʒɪŋ ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒ spɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/It can be broken down into individual words as follows:Audio – /ˈɔdi.oʊ/Messaging – /ˈmɛsɪdʒɪŋ/Interchange – /ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒ/Specification – /spɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/

Key Takeaways

  1. Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) is a communications protocol designed to enable voice messaging systems to exchange messages seamlessly, increasing the interoperability between different voice messaging platforms.
  2. AMIS facilitates the exchange of voice messages in various formats, such as VPIM, SMTP, and X.400, helping businesses and individuals to communicate without being limited by the type of messaging system they are using.
  3. By implementing AMIS, corporations and organizations can experience improved communication efficiency, time savings, and reduced costs through the seamless exchange of messages, regardless of the voice messaging systems they utilize.

Importance of Audio Messaging Interchange Specification

The technology term Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) is important as it refers to a standardized protocol for telecommunication systems designed to handle voice messages exchanged between application systems, voice mail systems, and other voice messaging platforms.

This standardization enables seamless communication and interoperability between various voice messaging systems, promoting the efficient transmission of voice messages in a consistent and reliable manner.

By ensuring compatibility between diverse platforms and devices, AMIS accelerates the adoption of voice messaging technologies, enhances user experiences, and fosters innovation in the realm of telecommunications.


Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) plays a crucial role in catering to the diverse communication needs of modern society. Its primary purpose is to establish a standardized format for voice messaging systems, facilitating seamless interaction between various platforms and devices.

By ensuring that voice messages are streamlined into a universally compatible format, AMIS enhances the overall user experience by making communication more accessible, efficient, and convenient. This interoperability brings forth a myriad of benefits, ranging from connecting people across different messaging systems to providing a more inclusive interface for those with disabilities who rely on voice communication.

In the world of telecommunications, where voice messaging serves as an integral component, AMIS provides a robust foundation that equips organizations with the necessary tools to keep up with the fast-paced demands of the digital age. Companies across different industries, including customer support services, healthcare, and education, utilize AMIS to improve their interaction and reach a broader audience.

Furthermore, the AMIS standard supports various features like reply, forward, delete, and save options, making it a versatile solution for both personal and professional communication. By bridging the gap between different voice messaging platforms, Audio Messaging Interchange Specification stands as a testament to technology’s power to bring people together, overcoming the limitations imposed by varying systems.

Examples of Audio Messaging Interchange Specification

The Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) is a standard used to facilitate exchanging audio messages between communications systems, like voicemails or audio attachments. Here are three real-world examples of AMIS technology:

Voicemail System Integration: AMIS technology is commonly used for integrating voicemail systems in businesses and organizations. For instance, if there are two companies, Company A and Company B, which use different voicemail systems, AMIS can be implemented to allow employees from Company A to send and receive voicemails from employees of Company B.

Collaboration between different branches of an organization: A large organization with multiple branches or divisions may use different voicemail systems for each branch. AMIS enables efficient communication between these branches by allowing users to leave audio messages for colleagues in other departments or divisions without being restricted by system incompatibility.

Unified Communications Solutions: Unified communications solutions often integrate various communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, and voicemails. AMIS is used here to ensure seamless integration and interchange of audio messages across these different platforms. For example, a user can receive their voicemails as audio attachments in their email inbox or access a received audio message through an instant messaging application.

Audio Messaging Interchange Specification

What is Audio Messaging Interchange Specification?

Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) is a standard format for exchanging voice messages within a voice application. This specification provides guidelines on how to create and transfer audio messages between different systems and devices.

What are the key components of an AMIS system?

An AMIS system typically consists of AMIS-compliant servers, switches, and devices. It includes the necessary protocols, audio codecs, and message formats to ensure seamless audio communication between the components.

Why use Audio Messaging Interchange Specification?

Using AMIS enables organizations to create and maintain an efficient audio messaging system that can be easily integrated with an existing infrastructure. It also allows the sharing of voice messages with applications, devices, and users on different platforms or communication systems.

What audio codecs are supported by AMIS?

AMIS typically supports a variety of audio codecs, including PCM, G.711, G.729, and GSM. The codec choice depends on factors such as network conditions, available bandwidth, and audio quality requirements.

How does AMIS handle different messaging protocols?

AMIS defines the necessary message headers and format mappings required to interoperate between different messaging protocols. It provides a common structure to enable seamless audio message exchange between various systems and devices, regardless of the underlying messaging protocol.

Is AMIS suitable for mobile devices?

Yes, AMIS is designed to work well with mobile devices. Its flexibility allows users to send and receive audio messages on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets, over various communication systems, such as cellular networks, Wi-Fi, or VoIP.

Related Technology Terms

  • Text-to-Speech Conversion
  • Speech Signal Processing
  • Unified Messaging System
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • Speech Recognition

Sources for More Information


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