Automated Litigation Support

Definition of Automated Litigation Support

Automated Litigation Support refers to the utilization of software tools, applications, and technology to assist legal professionals in managing large volumes of data, documents, and processes throughout the litigation lifecycle. The primary goal of this technology is to streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and reduce manual labor by offering solutions for electronic discovery, document management, and collaborative workspaces. In essence, Automated Litigation Support helps in the organization, review, analysis, and presentation of relevant information in legal cases.


The phonetic transcription of “Automated Litigation Support” is:/ˌɔːtəˈmeɪtɪd ˌlɪtəˈgeɪʃən səˈpɔːrt/In this transcription:- The ‘/’ symbols indicate the beginning and end of the phonetic transcription.- The ‘ˌ’ symbol indicates a secondary stress in the word.- The ‘ˈ’ symbol indicates a primary stress in the word.

Key Takeaways

  1. Automated Litigation Support streamlines legal workflows by employing cutting-edge technology to manage, organize, and analyze extensive volumes of legal documents and data.
  2. With the capability to perform complex tasks such as electronic document organization, review, and production, Automated Litigation Support enhances efficiency and accuracy throughout the entire litigation process.
  3. In addition to reducing the amount of manual labor required, Automated Litigation Support also helps reduce potential errors and minimizes the time involved in reviewing and processing the necessary legal documents, often resulting in cost savings and improved outcomes for the involved parties.

Importance of Automated Litigation Support

The term “Automated Litigation Support” is important because it refers to the use of advanced technology to streamline and optimize the litigation process.

By employing various software and hardware tools, legal professionals can efficiently manage large volumes of complex data, documents, and evidence.

These technology-based solutions aid in reducing the time and effort required for tasks such as document review, research, and analysis.

Moreover, they facilitate better organization, collaboration, and communication among legal teams, leading to more accurate and timely decision-making.

In an era where the legal landscape is constantly evolving, automated litigation support has become a crucial component in delivering cost-effective, accurate, and efficient legal services to clients.


Automated Litigation Support (ALS) provides a crucial function in the modern legal landscape, as it streamlines and enhances various aspects of the litigation process. The primary purpose of ALS is to assist legal professionals in managing, organizing, and analyzing vast amounts of data and documents that arise throughout litigation. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and advanced software applications, ALS can save considerable time for attorneys, paralegals, and support staff, thus allowing them to focus on core legal tasks such as case strategies and client relationships.

Furthermore, ALS plays an essential role in reducing the risk of human error and maintaining consistency throughout the litigation process, permitting legal professionals to work more efficiently and effectively. In practice, Automated Litigation Support offers a multitude of functionalities tailored to optimize different phases of litigation. For instance, ALS tools are commonly employed to automate the eDiscovery process, wherein the identification, collection, and analysis of electronically stored information (ESI) is made more accessible and manageable.

Additionally, the technology facilitates collaboration among team members by enabling them to share, review and track documents in a secured environment throughout the case lifecycle. Another vital component of ALS is legal analytics, which deploys artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to extract relevant patterns and insights from the collected data, helping lawyers make informed decisions on case assessment, budget allocation, and procedural strategies. Overall, Automated Litigation Support has emerged as a powerful tool within the legal sector, empowering practitioners to navigate complex litigation processes with increased efficiency and accuracy.

Examples of Automated Litigation Support

eDiscovery Platforms:One real-world example of automated litigation support technology is eDiscovery platforms like Relativity, Logikcull, and Everlaw. These software solutions help law firms and legal teams to identify, collect, and process electronically stored information (ESI) for litigation, regulatory compliance, and internal investigations. The eDiscovery platforms save time and resources by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks like keyword searches, document filtering, and email threading, allowing legal professionals to focus on more complex tasks like case strategy.

Legal Document Review and Analysis:Automated litigation support technology is also used in legal document review and analysis. Tools like DISCO, Kira Systems, and Luminance employ advanced technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to quickly and accurately analyze huge volumes of documents for relevance, privileged content, and other important factors. They can help detect patterns, anomalies, and key issues within the documents, enabling lawyers to make faster, more informed decisions during litigation. These tools significantly reduce the time and costs associated with manual document review and increase the accuracy and efficiency of the process.

Courtroom Presentation Software:Another real-world example of automated litigation support technology is courtroom presentation software like TrialDirector and Sanction. These tools enable legal professionals to create engaging, persuasive, and visually compelling presentations for use during trials, arbitrations, and mediations. The software automates many tasks, such as organizing evidence, creating exhibit lists, and synchronizing video depositions with transcripts, helping legal teams to present their case more effectively. With these tools, legal professionals can easily annotate, highlight, and zoom in on important points, making the courtroom experience more interactive and easier to follow for judges and juries.

Automated Litigation Support FAQ

What is Automated Litigation Support?

Automated Litigation Support (ALS) is the use of advanced technology to assist in managing and organizing legal cases efficiently. It involves the use of software and electronic tools to streamline the litigation process, handle large volumes of documents, and aid in tasks such as document review, e-discovery, and deposition management.

What are the benefits of using Automated Litigation Support?

Some of the significant benefits of using Automated Litigation Support include time and cost savings, efficient case management, increased productivity, improved data analysis, and the ability to handle larger cases with ease. Additionally, ALS helps to reduce human error, making the litigation process more reliable.

What are some common Automated Litigation Support tools?

Common ALS tools include e-discovery platforms, document management systems, case management software, analytical tools, transcription services, and trial presentation software. These tools help legal professionals manage various aspects of litigation, from discovery to trial preparation and presentation.

How does Automated Litigation Support help in the e-discovery process?

In the e-discovery process, Automated Litigation Support aids in efficiently identifying, collecting, and processing electronically stored information (ESI). ALS tools help legal professionals search, filter, and analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, ultimately allowing parties to respond to document requests more effectively and quickly.

How secure is the data stored in Automated Litigation Support systems?

Data security is a priority for most Automated Litigation Support systems, given the sensitive and confidential nature of legal information. Providers of ALS tools implement various security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular data backups, to help ensure that client data remains safe and secure.

Related Technology Terms

  • eDiscovery
  • Document Management System
  • Legal Analytics
  • Case Management Software
  • Artificial Intelligence in Law

Sources for More Information


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