
Autonomic Computing


Autonomic computing is a self-managing computing model named after and inspired by, the human body’s autonomic nervous system. It aims to develop systems capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and self-optimization with minimal human intervention. The goal is to reduce the complexity of managing large-scale computing systems, increase resilience, and enhance performance and productivity.


The phonetics of the keyword “Autonomic Computing” is: /ɔːtəˈnɑːmɪk kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Self-Management: Autonomic computing focuses on creating systems capable of self-management, thereby freeing system administrators from the tasks of system configuration, optimization, healing, and protection. The system can make decisions on its own, adjusting itself to changing conditions without the need for human intervention.
  2. Reduction in Complexity: With the rapid increase in technology complexity, autonomic computing seeks to reduce this complexity by handling many of the routine tasks involved in managing an IT system. This allows IT staff to focus on more strategic, value-added services.
  3. Increased Reliability: Through its self-healing capability, autonomic computing can detect, diagnose and repair localized issues in the system automatically, leading to a significant increase in system reliability and availability.


Autonomic Computing is an essential concept in the field of technology due to its ability to create self-managing computing systems capable of operating with minimal human intervention. This concept is named after the human body’s autonomic nervous system, which controls essential functions such as heartbeat and respiration without any conscious effort. An autonomic computing system would automate complex IT processes such as configuration, problem detection, isolation, and self-repair, thereby lowering operational costs, preventing errors, and increasing system reliability and security. It also holds the promise of vastly reducing and simplifying IT administration and management, enabling systems to adjust themselves to accommodate the growing scale, complexity, and dynamism of today’s technology environment.


Autonomic computing is a technology designed to relieve human users of the need to manage systems or applications to reduce complexity and cost directly. By trusting the system to manage its operations autonomously, users can focus on more important aspects such as enhancing the system’s functional services or implementing strategical decisions.

In this vein, autonomic computing aims to create self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing, and self-protecting systems that reduce the burden of routine maintenance and administration tasks which often require specialized knowledge and can lead to errors if mishandled.To understand the uses of autonomic computing, consider a large enterprise network. Here, systems can routinely face issues like component failures, traffic congestion or security threats. Autonomic computing can be used to handle such issues automatically. It can automatically detect and mitigate network congestion, find and isolate system faults for repair, optimize resource allocation to improve overall performance, or even build defenses to neutralize cybersecurity attacks.

The overarching goal is to ensure an efficient, reliable, and secure operation without putting a high demand on human operators. This improves the system’s performance and resilience and its utility by allowing it to perform tasks that would otherwise be too complex or time-consuming for human operators to handle.


1. IBM’s Autonomic Computing: As one of the pioneers in autonomic computing, IBM’s system is designed to manage itself and adapt to changing demands without user intervention. It can automatically coordinate resources based on the needs of critical applications, optimize its performance, and even repair itself when problems occur.

2. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Auto Scaling: AWS Auto Scaling represents a practical example of autonomic computing. It monitors the applications to adjust capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. Without human intervention, it automatically increases or decreases resource allocation depending on demand and defined policies.

3. Google’s DeepMind AI: Google employs the autonomic computing principle in DeepMind. This AI system independently regulates the energy usage in their data centres. The machine learning system adjusts cooling, ventilation and other parameters in real time to improve energy efficiency. It independently learns from its environment and makes decisions accordingly, an aspect of autonomic computing.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is autonomic computing?

A: Autonomic computing refers to the self-managing characteristics of distributed computing resources, which are capable of adapting to unpredictable changes while hiding intrinsic complexity to operators and users.

Q: How does autonomic computing work?

A: Autonomic computing works by managing computing functions with limited or no human interference through a series of self-managing computing elements. These elements analyze, configure, optimize, heal, and protect themselves.

Q: What are the benefits of autonomic computing?

A: Autonomic computing provides several benefits, including improved system reliability, higher system performance and productivity, increased user satisfaction, and reduced cost of IT management as it reduces the amount of human intervention needed.

Q: What industries can benefit from autonomic computing?

A: Autonomic computing has the potential to benefit virtually every industry, including information technology, telecommunications, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, to name a few.

Q: How does autonomic computing relate to artificial intelligence?

A: Autonomic computing systems often use artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze data and make decisions. Though not all autonomic systems use AI, their goal of reducing human intervention aligns with AI’s objective of creating intelligent machines.

Q: What are the challenges of implementing autonomic computing?

A: Challenges vary but generally include complexity in system design, the requirement for advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, ensuring security, and battling user skepticism and resistance to technology that operates with minimal human control.

Q: Are there any real-world examples of autonomic computing?

A: Autonomic computing is quite common. Examples include modern cloud-based services, like Google’s automated bidding system, networking technology, and cybersecurity systems that detect and respond to threats independently.

Q: What is the future of autonomic computing?

A: As technology advances, the adoption and development of autonomic computing are expected to increase. The ultimate goal is to create systems that can entirely self-manage, enabling businesses to focus more on their core operations than IT management.

Related Technology Terms

  • Self-Configuration: This term in autonomic computing refers to the capability of systems to automatically configure themselves according to the user’s needs or the environment.
  • Self-Optimization: A characteristic of autonomic computing systems that allows them to analyze and improve their performance continuously.
  • Self-Healing: In the context of autonomic computing, self-healing refers to the ability of a system to detect and correct problems or failures automatically.
  • Self-Protection: This term denotes the feature of autonomic computing systems to anticipate, identify, and protect themselves from threats or attacks.
  • IBM’s Autonomic Computing Initiative: This noteworthy development launched by IBM has played a significant role in promoting the concept and applications of autonomic computing.

Sources for More Information


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