
Back Quote

Definition of Back Quote

The term “back quote” refers to a keyboard character, also known as the backtick (`), that is typically found on the same key as the tilde (~) symbol on QWERTY keyboards. It is often used in programming languages such as JavaScript and PHP for creating template literals or executing shell commands. Additionally, back quotes are sometimes used to format code snippets within markdown text for readability.


The phonetics of the keyword “Back Quote” can be represented as:/bak ‘kwəʊt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Back Quotes, also known as Template Literals, allow for multi-line strings and embedding expressions within a string using `${expression}` syntax.
  2. Back quotes can be used for string interpolation, making it simple to insert variables or expressions into a string without concatenation.
  3. They provide a more readable way of working with strings, making the code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Importance of Back Quote

The back quote, also referred to as the backtick or grave accent (`), serves an essential function in technology, particularly in programming languages and command-line interfaces.

It is crucial for constructing template literals in JavaScript, wherein it simplifies string concatenation and interpolation by allowing developers to embed expressions within a string seamlessly.

Additionally, it provides a means to execute command substitution in Unix-based systems.

This facilitates the process of capturing the output of a command directly into a variable without the need for an intermediate file.

Ultimately, the back quote is a pivotal component that streamlines various programming tasks and improves the overall coding experience.


In the realm of technology, the Back Quote is a commonly used typographical symbol that holds a unique significance across different programming languages and scripting environments. It can be identified as a small, slanted line (`) found on the same key as the tilde symbol on most keyboards.

While not exclusively a coding symbol, its primary purpose pertains to the facilitation of certain functionalities in programming and scripting environments, such as variable substitution, command execution and defining string literals. One common use of the Back Quote is evident in the Unix shell scripting environment.

In this context, it enables command substitution within scripts, a process that involves placing a command inside a pair of Back Quotes, allowing the command output to automatically replace the Back Quotes in the script. In other languages, such as JavaScript and Python, the Back Quote, also referred to as a template literal, has become a popular method for defining strings that encompass multiple lines more clearly and efficiently.

The flexibility of the Back Quote allows developers to write more readable and maintainable code, further enhancing the user experience across various computing platforms.

Examples of Back Quote

It appears that there may be some confusion here. The term “back quote” typically refers to a specific keyboard character (also known as the backtick or grave accent), and it is used in various programming and markup languages for different purposes. If you were looking for real-world examples or applications related to technology in general or a specific field such as artificial intelligence, please provide more context or clarify your question.

FAQ: Back Quote

1. What is a back quote?

A back quote, also known as a backtick, is a punctuation mark that is often represented by the symbol (`). It is found on the same key as the tilde (~) on a standard QWERTY keyboard. The back quote has different uses in various programming languages, such as string interpolation, multiline strings, and executing shell commands within scripts.

2. How do I use back quotes in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, back quotes are used to define template literals, which are a type of string that allows embedding expressions inside them. To use back quotes, enclose your string with the back quote characters (`string here`). Expressions within the string can be included by using the ${expression} syntax. For example:

const name = 'John';
const greeting = `Hello, my name is ${name}.`;
console.log(greeting); // Output: Hello, my name is John.

3. What is the difference between single quotes, double quotes, and back quotes in JavaScript?

Single quotes (”) and double quotes (“”) are used for defining regular strings in JavaScript, while back quotes (` `) are used for defining template literals. Regular strings cannot include variables or expressions directly within them, whereas template literals can. For multiline strings, you must use escape sequences with single or double quotes, while back quotes allow creating multiline strings without any additional formatting.

4. How do I use back quotes in Python?

In Python, back quotes are used in older versions (Python 2.x) as an equivalent of repr() function, which is used to get a string representation of an object that is a valid Python expression. However, back quotes have been removed from Python 3.x, and it is recommended to use the repr() function instead.

5. Are back quotes used in any other programming languages?

Yes, back quotes can be found in several programming languages with various use cases. For example, in PHP, back quotes are used to execute shell commands. In Markdown, back quotes are used to create inline code snippets. In SQL, back quotes are used to quote identifiers. The usage of back quotes may differ between programming languages, so it’s essential to check the specific language documentation to understand their exact function and implementation.

Related Technology Terms

  • Escape Character
  • Template Literals
  • String Interpolation
  • Command Substitution
  • Variable Expansion

Sources for More Information


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