
Definition of Backtracking

Backtracking is a search algorithm that explores possible solutions incrementally to find a correct solution or list of solutions. It involves identifying potential paths, selecting a path to progress in, and backtracking to previous steps if a dead end is reached. Used primarily in solving decision and optimization problems, backtracking has applications in artificial intelligence, software development, and computer science.


The phonetic transcription of the keyword “Backtracking” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈbækˌtræk.ɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all possible solutions to a problem that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons a candidate (“backtracks”) as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot be extended to a valid solution.
  2. It is particularly effective for solving constraint satisfaction problems, such as puzzles, combinatorial optimization, and searching through trees or graphs, because it eliminates branches in the search tree when it can’t produce a valid solution, thereby significantly reducing the search space.
  3. While backtracking can be time-consuming and computationally expensive for large problems or without proper optimization, it can be optimized in several ways, such as pruning techniques, memoization, heuristics, and parallelization of the search process to improve its performance.

Importance of Backtracking

Backtracking is an essential technology term as it refers to an efficient algorithmic technique used to solve complex problems, especially in search, optimization, and combinatory fields.

By trying out potential solutions and sequentially discarding those that do not meet specific criteria, backtracking allows for resourceful pruning of the search tree.

As a result, this method significantly reduces the time and computational effort needed to reach an appropriate solution.

Its importance lies in its wide applicability to various problems like puzzles, constraint satisfaction problems, and artificial intelligence, among others, making backtracking a fundamental concept in computer science and software development.


Backtracking is a powerful problem-solving technique extensively used in numerous domains such as artificial intelligence, computer programming, and game theory to name a few. Its purpose is to enable systematic searching through potential solutions to find the one that works most optimally. The algorithm works by incrementally building candidate solutions and follows a trial-and-error approach.

When an intermediate solution is found lacking, the backtracking algorithm effectively reverses and discards that specific choice. By traversing through the search space iteratively and eliminating solutions that don’t meet the constraints, it converges on the desired outcome with improved efficiency and resource usage. One of the primary applications of backtracking is solving combinatorial problems, where the challenge lies in finding all possible permutations and combinations to arrive at the optimal solution.

These problems often involve decision points with multiple options, leading to an exponential growth in possible outcomes. With its organized and efficient mechanism, backtracking eliminates infeasible options, thus reducing the need to explore every single possibility. Applications range from solving computational puzzles like Sudoku and N-Queens problem to optimizing software design and even supporting decision-making processes.

By harnessing the power of backtracking algorithms, computer scientists, engineers, and researchers can formulate elegant solutions to complex and seemingly intractable problems.

Examples of Backtracking

Sudoku Solver: Solving Sudoku puzzles requires finding a combination of numbers that satisfies specific criteria without violating any rules. Backtracking technology can be employed to navigate through the possible solutions, trying a new number in each cell and recursively moving to the next cell. When a conflict is detected (e.g., a repeated number in a given 3×3 box, row, or column), it backtracks to the previous cell and tries a different number. This continues until the entire Sudoku grid is filled correctly.

Game AI in Chess: In strategic games like Chess, it is important to look into future moves to determine the best move for the present situation. Backtracking aids in this process by exploring and evaluating different moves, which are typically represented as a tree. It recursively simulates game scenarios, tries different moves, and evaluates their effectiveness. If a move leads to an unfavorable outcome, it backtracks to test another move, eventually finding the best possible move.

Cryptarithmetic Problem Solving: In cryptarithmetic puzzles, each letter represents a unique digit, and the goal is to find the correct numerical values for each letter that satisfy a given mathematical equation. The backtracking algorithm can be used to systematically assign each letter a value, working from left to right in the equation. If a certain assignment violates the rules or constraints, the algorithm backtracks and assigns a new value to the current letter, continuing this process until a solution is found that satisfies all constraints.

Backtracking FAQ

What is backtracking?

Backtracking is an algorithm used to solve problems incrementally by building a solution one piece at a time and removing those pieces which do not lead to a complete and feasible solution. It is a type of depth-first search algorithm that involves recursion and is commonly used in searching through tree or graph structures.

When should backtracking be used?

Backtracking should be used when solving problems that require an exhaustive search of all possible solutions. These problems typically involve decisions or choices that need to be made, such as solving puzzles, finding a path through a maze, or solving combinatorial problems. Backtracking is particularly useful when there is no efficient algorithm available to solve the problem.

What are the main steps of a backtracking algorithm?

The main steps of a backtracking algorithm are:
1. Choose an option or path.
2. Implement the chosen path and update the state accordingly.
3. Check if the chosen path leads to a solution. If it does, return the solution.
4. If the chosen path does not lead to a solution, undo the previous choices and try another path.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until a solution is found or there are no remaining paths to explore.

What are the advantages of backtracking?

Backtracking has several advantages:
1. It is a simple and intuitive way to solve certain complex problems.
2. It ensures that all possible solutions are explored, thus guaranteeing a complete search.
3. It can be easily combined with other techniques to improve performance, such as pruning, memoization, and heuristic search.
4. It is a general-purpose algorithm that can be applied to a wide range of problems.

What are the disadvantages of backtracking?

Backtracking has a few disadvantages:
1. It may require exploring numerous possibilities before finding a solution, leading to high computational complexity and time consumption.
2. It may use large amounts of memory due to its recursive nature and the need to store the state of each decision point.
3. Its performance may be severely impacted by the ordering of the choices explored, especially when working with large search spaces.
4. It is often difficult to optimize a backtracking algorithm to run faster without sacrificing completeness.

Related Technology Terms

  • Recursive Algorithms
  • Constraint Satisfaction Problems
  • Depth-First Search
  • Branch and Bound
  • Pruning Techniques

Sources for More Information


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