
Best Practice: Definition, Examples


In the realm of technology, ‘Best Practice’ refers to a method or technique that is accepted as superior because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. It represents the most efficient and effective way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have been proven to work over time. Best practices are typically drawn from experience and research, and aim to set a benchmark for others to follow.


The phonetics of the keyword “Best Practice” is: /bÉ›st ˈpræk.tɪs/

Key Takeaways

  1. Best Practice refers to the most effective techniques or methods that lead to superior results. It implies a standard against which performance can be measured.
  2. Implementing Best Practices involves systematic processes including identification, understanding, documentation, implementation, and continuous monitoring and improvement. It’s a continuous cycle of improvement to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Best practices vary from industry to industry and organization to organization, reflecting the unique challenges, situations, and objectives of different fields. Therefore, a practice considered ‘best’ in one context might not work as effectively in another.


The term “Best Practice” is crucial in technology because it signifies the most efficient and effective way of accomplishing a task or achieving a goal in a technical environment. Best practices are usually set based on the accumulative knowledge, research, and experiences in a specific field. They play a pivotal role in ensuring consistency, improving performance, maintaining high quality, and mitigating potential risks. By adhering to best practices, individuals and companies can avoid common errors, unnecessary complications, and inefficiencies, thus saving time, resources, and effort. Consequently, it helps in enhancing productivity, collaboration, and overall output, leading to better outcomes and increased customer or user satisfaction.


Best Practice is a standard or set of guidelines proven to yield optimal results, and are recognized as the most efficient and effective way to accomplish a task or solve a problem. The purpose of best practice is to offer clearly established methods which have been honed over time, that individuals, companies, or organizations can use to achieve their goals. It streamlines processes, reduces trial and error, and helps ensure consistent results. The use of best practice methodology can be seen across various sectors including healthcare, education, management and information technology.In practical application, best practices are widely utilized as a benchmark for performance in the given field. They serve as a guide which others can follow to yield desirable results, thus saving resources by not reinventing the wheel. For instance, in software development, best practices like code reviews or automated testing are used to improve code quality and reduce bugs. Similarly, in project management, adhering to best practices such as explicit communication, risk assessment, and regular progress tracking can assist in delivering projects on time and within budget. Overall, best practices provide a roadmap to success in professional endeavors.


1. Information Security: In the IT world, one best practice example is regularly changing and strengthening passwords. Companies often require employees to update their passwords every 90 days and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. This reduces the risk of cyberattacks and password hacking. 2. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Backing up data is another best practice in tech. Businesses often use cloud storage solutions and regularly schedule automated data backups. In case of hardware failure, natural disasters, or cyberattacks, a backup allows for data recovery, minimizing the loss to the business.3. Software Development: In software development, a widely accepted best practice is utilizing version control systems. These systems allow developers to keep track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database. If a mistake is made, developers can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code to help fix the mistake, minimizing the disruptiveness of errors.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Best Practice FAQ****Q1: What does the term “Best Practice” mean in technology?**A1: In technology, “Best Practice” refers to a procedure or set of procedures that are recognized as producing the best results in a particular field or industry, thereby improving efficiency and effectiveness.**Q2: What is the purpose of a “Best Practice”?**A2: The purpose of a “Best Practice” is to guide businesses or organizations toward the most effective strategies and actions in specific situations, providing a reliable pathway to achieve optimal performance and success.**Q3: Does “Best Practice” vary across different industries or fields in technology?**A3: Yes, “Best Practice” can vary significantly across different industries or fields in technology. It is influenced by various factors such as the type of technology used, industry standards, business objectives, legal and ethical considerations, etc.**Q4: How can a “Best Practice” benefit an organization or business?**A4: “Best Practices” can boost productivity, increase decision-making efficiency, optimize processes, reduce errors and risks, and enhance customer service and satisfaction.**Q5: How is a “Best Practice” determined or established?**A5: “Best Practices” are often determined by industry-leading organizations, researchers, or specialists through rigorous analysis, testing, and observations. They’re established based on the most effective and successful methods identified.**Q6: Can “Best Practice” evolve over time?**A6: Yes, “Best Practices” can and do evolve over time, especially in the rapidly-changing field of technology. As technologies advance and new insights are gained, what is considered a best practice today might be obsolete tomorrow.**Q7: What is an example of a “Best Practice” in technology?**A7: An example of a “Best Practice” in technology could be the use of two-factor authentication for increased security, or standardized software testing procedures to ensure software quality and reliability.**Q8: How can I stay updated with the latest “Best Practices” in technology?**A8: You can stay updated with the latest “Best Practices” in technology by subscribing to reputable technology news platforms, attending relevant industry conferences or webinars, participating in professional training programs, and networking with other professionals in the field.

Related Technology Terms

  • Standardization
  • Process Improvement
  • Benchmarking
  • Knowledge Management
  • Performance Metrics

Sources for More Information


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