

Definition of Blogorrhea

Blogorrhea is a term used to describe the excessive and often unnecessary posting of content on blogs or social media platforms. It can be considered as the digital equivalent of verbal diarrhea, where a user shares an overwhelming amount of information or engages in constant oversharing. This behavior may lead to a decrease in the quality and value of the shared content, and can potentially annoy readers or followers.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Blogorrhea” is /ËŒblɒɡəˈriÉ™/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Blogorrhea refers to the excessive and often unnecessary generation of written content, particularly in the realm of blogging and social media.
  2. This phenomenon can result in the dilution of valuable information and make it more difficult for readers to find relevant, high-quality content amidst the sea of trivial posts.
  3. Combating blogorrhea involves focusing on creating meaningful, well-researched, and purposeful content that adds value to your target audience, rather than simply contributing to the online noise.

Importance of Blogorrhea

The term “Blogorrhea” is important as it highlights a prevalent issue in the digital age, where individuals excessively post or share content on personal blogs or social media, often without adequate filtering for quality, relevance, or accuracy.

This phenomenon can result in an overwhelming amount of information clutter, making it difficult for users to navigate the vast online space and identify valuable, reliable content.

By acknowledging blogorrhea as a challenge, it encourages content creators to be more responsible and mindful in their online activities, promoting higher quality content and a more positive, informative online environment for users.


Blogorrhea is a term derived from the fusion of the words “blog” and “logorrhea.” It refers to the overproduction and excessive sharing of content through blogs and other online platforms, leading to an overflow of information that might be less meaningful or relevant. Blogorrhea may be driven by an individual’s need to constantly express their thoughts and opinions, or by the demand to generate consistent engagement on a platform.

In an era of digital communication and content creation, blogorrhea reveals the challenges society faces in sifting through an abundance of information, discerning valuable insights, and maintaining a balanced online presence. While blogorrhea itself carries a negative connotation, it can be seen as a byproduct of an inherently positive purpose – knowledge sharing and encouraging open dialogue in the digital world.

Blogs and other social networking platforms allow users to instantaneously share their experiences, views, and expertise with like-minded individuals, creating a sense of belonging and fostering greater understanding among users. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between sharing quality content and sharing excessively.

The primary purpose of blogging and online content creation should be focused on delivering meaningful, insightful, and thought-provoking pieces to foster a healthy learning environment, avoiding dilution or distortion of potentially useful information.

Examples of Blogorrhea

Blogorrhea, a term derived from combining “blog” and “logorrhea,” refers to the excessive or overly-wordy posting on blogs or the internet. While not a specific technology, it is the result of widespread use of blogging platforms and social media. Here are three real-world examples related to blogorrhea:

Personal Blogs: Many individuals maintain personal blogs to share their thoughts, experiences, and daily life. Occasionally, these bloggers may suffer from blogorrhea, publishing excessively long or rambling posts that can be off-putting to readers and make it difficult for them to extract valuable information.

Online Forums: Online forums often allow users to engage in lengthy discussions on various topics. Thread starters or participants may demonstrate blogorrhea by posting overly detailed, hard-to-follow content, resulting in lower reader engagement and potential disinterest in the topic.

Social Media: Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have character limits for each post, but users can still show signs of blogorrhea by posting multiple times in rapid succession or by composing lengthy captions on photo-sharing platforms such as Instagram. This type of behavior can lead to unfollows or muted profiles, as readers may prefer a more streamlined and focused feed.

FAQs about Blogorrhea

What is Blogorrhea?

Blogorrhea is a term used to describe the excessive and often compulsive production of written content on a blog. This can result in a large volume of low-quality posts that focus more on quantity than quality.

What are the signs of Blogorrhea?

Signs of Blogorrhea include frequent and hastily written blog posts, a decline in content quality, repetitive or redundant information, and a lack of focus on context, structure, or coherence in the blog posts.

What causes Blogorrhea?

Blogorrhea is often caused by an unhealthy obsession with generating content, a belief that more content will lead to increased blog traffic or online influence, or an uncontrollable urge to share thoughts, opinions, or experiences with the online community.

How to prevent Blogorrhea?

To prevent blogorrhea, focus on quality over quantity, create a content schedule to maintain consistency, set a limit on the number of posts per day, week, or month, and prioritize research, editing, and proofreading before publishing a post.

How to manage Blogorrhea if you already have it?

If you’re experiencing blogorrhea, take a step back and review your content and posting habits. Consider revising your content strategy by focusing on delivering high-quality, well-researched, and engaging content. Implement a content calendar to maintain consistency and ensure appropriate attention is given to each blog post.

Related Technology Terms


  • Content Overload
  • Excessive Blogging
  • Information Overwhelming
  • Online Rambling
  • Digital Verbose


Sources for More Information


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