

Definition of Bookmark

A bookmark is a digital reference or shortcut created by a user to easily locate and revisit a specific webpage or online resource in the future. These saved links can commonly be found in web browsers, allowing quick access to previously visited sites. Users can manage and organize bookmarks into folders for efficient navigation.


The phonetic spelling of the keyword “Bookmark” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈbÊŠkmÉ‘rk/. Here’s the breakdown:/b/ – Voiced bilabial stop (like the “b” in “bat”)/ÊŠ/ – Near-close near-back rounded vowel (like the “oo” in “book”)/k/ – Voiceless velar stop (like the “k” in “key”)/m/ – Voiced bilabial nasal (like the “m” in “mat”)/É‘/ – Open back unrounded vowel (like the “a” in “car”)/r/ – Voiced alveolar liquid (like the “r” in “red”)/k/ – Voiceless velar stop (like the “k” in “key”)

Key Takeaways

  1. Bookmark is an effective tool for saving and organizing important websites and online resources for easy access in the future.
  2. Using the bookmark feature in a web browser allows users to efficiently categorize and manage their favorite websites, improving productivity and reducing time spent searching for information.
  3. Modern web browsers provide additional features such as syncing bookmarks across devices and the ability to share bookmarks with others, making it even more convenient and collaborative.

Importance of Bookmark

The technology term “bookmark” is important because it allows users to conveniently save and access specific web pages or online resources they find valuable or wish to quickly revisit later.

Bookmarks serve as digital placeholders, enabling users to compile and organize their favorite websites, articles, or online tools in an easily accessible manner within their web browser.

This optimizes navigation efficiency, saves time, and enhances the overall browsing experience by eliminating the need to remember or manually search for URLs.

Thus, bookmarks contribute substantially to productivity and effectiveness in the digital age.


Bookmarking is a convenient feature that serves as a time-saving tool for internet users by making it easier to revisit and access previously viewed web pages. Its purpose is to enable users to save the specific web addresses, or URLs, of their favorite websites or any content they find valuable, thereby eliminating the need to remember or search for the sites later. Typically utilized within web browsers, bookmarks allow for a more efficient browsing experience as they provide instant access to frequently visited websites, online resources, or personal interest articles without having to search for them again.

This feature has become even more essential as the internet grows, with an increasing range of information becoming available, which could be tedious to locate without organizing the digital content in some way. In addition to increasing efficiency, bookmarking also serves to optimize the organizational aspect of one’s web browsing. Browsers offer options for users to create folders and categories to classify their bookmarks based on specific themes, interests, or priorities.

This organization enables users to quickly access the needed information and navigate through their bookmarks collection effortlessly. Furthermore, bookmarks can be synchronized across various devices, ensuring access to favorite sites and resources irrespective of the device used. In summary, bookmarking technology caters to the ever-growing need for quick, accessible, and organized information in the digital age, enhancing the overall user experience.

Examples of Bookmark

Web Browser Bookmarks: Web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge have a built-in bookmarking feature allowing users to save the URLs of their favorite websites or web pages. This allows for easy and quick access to those pages later on without the need to remember or type out the website address. Users can also organize bookmarks using folders and categories, making it easier to find and manage saved pages.

Personalized Bookmarking Services: Online services like Pocket and Instapaper enable users to save articles, blog posts, and other web content to read later in a distraction-free and organized manner. These services often provide apps for multiple platforms like smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing users to access their saved content easily no matter which device they are on. Bookmarking services also frequently offer features such as tagging, highlighting, and note-taking to improve the user’s experience and help organize saved content.

Social Bookmarking Websites: Social bookmarking websites, such as Reddit, Digg, and Delicious, allow users to share, organize, and discover web content based on specific topics of interest. Users can submit links to articles, images, or videos and then categorize them using tags or keywords. Other users can then upvote, downvote, or comment on the submitted links, allowing the most popular content to rise to the top of the website page. This type of bookmarking enables users to discover new and interesting content on the internet while providing a social aspect to the sharing and engaging with web content.

FAQ: Bookmark

1. What is a bookmark?

A bookmark is a feature in web browsers that allows users to save the URL of a webpage, so they can easily access it later. Bookmarks can be organized in folders, making it easier to find specific websites among numerous saved links.

2. How do I create a bookmark?

To create a bookmark, visit the web page you want to save and click on the star icon in the address bar or press Ctrl+D (Cmd+D for Mac). In the menu that appears, choose a name and location for the bookmark, then click on ‘Save’ or ‘Add’.

3. How do I edit or delete a bookmark?

To edit or delete a bookmark, open your browser’s bookmark manager (usually accessible from the menu or toolbar). Find the bookmark you want to modify, right-click on it, and choose ‘Edit’ to change its details or ‘Delete’ to remove it completely.

4. Can I sync bookmarks across devices?

Yes, most modern web browsers offer bookmark syncing across devices when you sign in with the same account on multiple devices. This ensures your bookmarks are available and up-to-date across all your devices.

5. Can I import or export bookmarks?

Yes, most browsers allow you to import bookmarks from another browser or export your bookmarks as an HTML file. To do this, open your browser’s bookmark manager and look for the ‘Import’ or ‘Export’ option in the menu or toolbar.

Related Technology Terms

  • Favicon
  • URL
  • Browser
  • Bookmark Manager
  • Web Page

Sources for More Information


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