

Definition of Bradying

Bradying is a term coined after former NFL quarterback, Tom Brady, was seen using a cell phone to destroy evidence during the “Deflategate” scandal in 2015. In a tech context, it refers to the act of intentionally destroying or tampering with an electronic device to either avoid incrimination or protect sensitive data. It usually involves physically damaging, deleting information, or making a device non-functional to prevent access to the content.


The phonetics of the keyword “Bradying” is: /ˈbreɪdɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Bradying refers to the act of sitting on the ground with legs stretched out, one arm resting on a bent knee, and the head slightly bowed, mimicking the pose struck by NFL quarterback Tom Brady after losing Super Bowl XLVI.
  2. The term has gained popularity as a meme and a playful way to express disappointment, particularly about sports losses or personal setbacks.
  3. As with many memes and internet trends, Bradying has a fleeting nature and may not have significant long-term impact, but it remains an amusing way to capture the collective experience of shared disappointment or failure.

Importance of Bradying

The term “Bradying” is derived from Tom Brady, a famous American football player known for his success as a quarterback.

In the world of technology, Bradying refers to the use of technology and innovative strategies to achieve an unexpected outcome or performance.

It highlights the importance of leveraging technology, data analysis, and creative problem-solving to gain a competitive advantage.

The concept of Bradying enables organizations and individuals to overcome obstacles by adopting cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches, much like Tom Brady did on the football field.

As a result, Bradying represents the determination and adaptability needed to triumph in various technological realms, driving success and elevating the level of performance.


Bradying is a technology term that has emerged in recent years, primarily focusing on the purpose of conserving energy and prolonging the lifespan of electronic devices. This energy-saving technique is particularly relevant in devices such as smartphones, computers, and wearables, where both power consumption and device longevity are critical factors for user satisfaction.

By reducing the clock speed of a device’s processor, or “bradying,” the device is able to perform tasks at a lower rate, thereby utilizing less energy and generating less heat. This, in turn, results in a more efficient device that can operate for extended periods without needing frequent recharging or replacement.

Aside from its energy conservation advantages, bradying is also utilized as a method to enhance the overall performance and stability of electronic devices. By deliberately slowing down the processing speed, the device can avoid potential crashes or malfunctions that may occur as a result of overheating or insufficient power supply.

Moreover, bradying offers the benefit of improved user experience, as it minimizes the risk of sudden shutdowns or system glitches during demanding tasks. Ultimately, this technology practice emphasizes the importance of balancing optimal performance with an eco-friendly approach to power management, thus ensuring that devices become more sustainable, reliable, and user-friendly.

Examples of Bradying

The term “Bradying” originated from a 2012 incident involving NFL quarterback Tom Brady, who was caught sitting slumped on the field during a football game. Since then, the term has been repurposed to describe situations in which people gradually lean back or slide down in their chairs when taking photos or videos, often for comedic purposes. Although the phenomenon is not explicitly linked to any specific technology, it is predominantly shared through social media platforms, which aids in spreading its popularity. Here are three real-world examples:

Social Media Challenges: The popularity of “Bradying” has encouraged people to participate in social media challenges where they recreate the pose and share pictures or videos of them doing it on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The hashtag #Bradying has amassed thousands of posts, as people showcase their creative interpretations of the pose in various comedic situations or locations.

Celebrity Endorsements: Celebrities and athletes such as Ellen DeGeneres and Peyton Manning have also participated in the “Bradying” trend, bringing more attention to the phenomenon. These high-profile individuals and their posts demonstrate how technology and social media enable the wide and rapid spread of pop culture trends.

Memes and Parodies: “Bradying” has also found its way into internet memes, parodying Tom Brady and other celebrities or athletes photographed in similar poses. As a result, the phenomenon is not only known to the sports community but also the wider internet audience, thanks to a combination of user-generated content, pop culture, and technology.

FAQ – Bradying

What is Bradying?

Bradying refers to a pose made famous by the American football player, Tom Brady. The pose involves sitting on the ground with legs out, arms resting on the knees, and a slightly downturned head, often seen after a disappointing play or loss.

Where did the term “Bradying” come from?

The term originated after a photo of Tom Brady sitting dejectedly on the field went viral online. The image became a meme and led people to associate the pose with Tom Brady, hence the term “Bradying.”

What is the meaning behind the Bradying pose?

The Bradying pose essentially represents disappointment or failure. It has become a symbol of experiencing a setback or loss, in the context of football games or other competitive situations.

Is Bradying limited to football?

While the term and pose gained popularity in the context of football, the pose itself can be used in various situations where someone experiences disappointment or defeat, in sports or in other aspects of life.

Has Tom Brady commented on the “Bradying” phenomenon?

Tom Brady has not publicly commented specifically on the “Bradying” phenomenon. However, as a professional athlete, he is likely aware of the various memes and discussions surrounding his career.

Related Technology Terms

  • 1. NFC (Near Field Communication)
  • 2. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
  • 3. Data Skimming
  • 4. Card Cloning
  • 5. Contactless Payment Security

Sources for More Information


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