
Definition of Brogramming

Brogramming is a slang term that refers to a male-dominated computer programming subculture that often involves elements of fraternity-like behavior such as partying and weightlifting. It is frequently associated with a casual coding environment that prioritizes camaraderie and a ‘bro’ atmosphere over traditional professionalism. The term often carries a negative connotation, as it can imply a lack of inclusivity and diversity within the programming community.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Brogramming” is: /broʊˈɡræmɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Brogramming is a culture within the tech industry that emphasizes a “bro” or fraternal approach to programming and working together.
  2. The brogramming subculture can perpetuate stereotypes, exclusivity, and a lack of diversity within the tech industry.
  3. Many tech companies and individuals within the industry have spoken out against brogramming to promote a more inclusive and diverse work environment.

Importance of Brogramming

Brogramming is an important term in the technology field as it highlights the controversial subculture that emerged due to the proliferation of male-dominated workforces, particularly in software engineering and programming.

It encapsulates the blend of ‘bro’ culture with programming, where professional work environments can be distorted by frat-boy attitudes, casual sexism, and exclusionary behaviors towards women and other minorities.

The term plays a significant role in raising awareness about the need to challenge and break down barriers to inclusivity, promote diversity, and ensure a healthy, cooperative working ecosystem for everyone in the technology sector.

By addressing the problematic aspects of brogramming, organizations and individuals are able to focus on creating positive cultural shifts in workplaces and the tech community at large.


Brogramming, a portmanteau of “bro” and “programming,” emerged as a culture within the tech and software development industry where the participants and enthusiasts embody stereotypical “bro-like” attitudes and behaviors. Brogramming isn’t a particular programming language or software used for a specific purpose; rather, it is an informal term used to describe a mindset adopted by certain programmers who enjoy bonding, competition, and displaying their coding prowess to others.

This culture tends to thrive among male programmers who may adhere to some fraternal norms, such as camaraderie, informal attire, unconventional workspace setups, and prioritizing socializing both inside and outside of work. Consequently, the brogramming culture is sometimes perceived as zealous, brash, and competitive.

While brogramming has been known to contribute to an energetic and fast-paced work environment that can bolster creativity and productivity, it has also raised concerns about exclusivity and gender biases in the technology industry. The culture can inadvertently or intentionally discourage the participation of more introverted individuals or women, as they may not feel comfortable in such an environment.

To foster a more inclusive workforce and ensure that a diverse range of talents is utilized effectively, many companies actively focus on creating better work-life balance, promoting collaboration and communication, and prioritizing inclusive hiring practices to mitigate the brogramming mentality. These efforts aim to break stereotypes in the technology world to create a more unified and harmonious atmosphere for all.

Examples of Brogramming

Brogramming is a controversial term in the technology industry, referring to a subculture of programmers who follow and embrace certain socio-cultural norms, which can include bro-like behavior, male-dominated work environments, and an exclusionary attitude. Here are three real-world examples that involve or are influenced by brogramming culture:

Uber – In 2017, a former Uber engineer named Susan Fowler published a blog post detailing her experiences working at the company, which included a male-dominated culture with incidents of sexual harassment and gender bias. Her allegations prompted an internal investigation and contributed to the resignation of CEO Travis Kalanick, who was known for fostering a workplace environment that some characterized as brogramming culture.

‘Titstare’ app controversy – In 2013, during the TechCrunch Disrupt event, two presenters pitched an app called “Titstare,” which allowed users to take and share photos of themselves staring at women’s breasts. The presentation received backlash and criticism for promoting a sexist attitude, objectifying women in an industry event, and perpetuating the brogramming culture.

The Social Network movie – The 2010 film, which portrayed the creation of Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg and others, depicted a working environment that included exclusive parties, heavy drinking, and objectification of women. The movie was criticized for perpetuating the brogramming stereotype, and normalizing a toxic work culture that could demotivate and intimidate women interested in pursuing a career in technology.

Brogramming FAQ

What is Brogramming?

Brogramming is a colloquial term that refers to a subculture in the programming and software development community. It is characterized by a more casual, laid-back approach to coding and the developers who embody this style are often referred to as “brogrammers.” This term is often used humorously or satirically to represent a specific stereotype of male programmers, but it is not meant to be taken seriously in a professional context.

Where did the term Brogramming originate?

The exact origin of the term “brogramming” is unclear, but it gained popularity on social media platforms and online forums in the early 2010s. It emerged as a playful way to describe a specific type of programmer, typically characterized by a casual attitude towards work, a penchant for partying, and a strong focus on socializing within the developer community.

Is Brogramming a negative term?

Brogramming can be seen as both positive and negative. For some, it embodies a more relaxed, fun approach to programming and can be an antidote to more traditionally stiff professional environments. However, it can also perpetuate negative stereotypes about male software developers and may contribute to a perception of exclusion or insensitivity within the programming community. Ultimately, the term is more often used in jest, and a lot depends on the context and intent behind its use.

How does one become a Brogrammer?

While there is no fixed path to becoming a “brogrammer,” the term is often used to describe developers who prioritize both their technical skills and their social prowess. They may be found engaging in recreational activities with other programmers, attending networking events, and actively participating in various programming communities. However, it is important to note that being a brogrammer is not a career goal or professional title—it is ultimately just a descriptor of a particular style and attitude towards programming.

Does a Brogrammer culture exist in the tech industry?

While the term brogramming is used mostly humorously or satirically, it is rooted in the reality of various subcultures existing within the programming and software development community. Some developers may identify with the attitude and values associated with brogramming, while others may reject it entirely. Like any subculture within an industry, it exists to varying degrees and is often a matter of individual perspective.

Related Technology Terms

  • Startup culture
  • Tech bros
  • Software development
  • Hackathons
  • Programming stereotypes

Sources for More Information


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